В настоящем номере журнала «Электронные библиотеки» опубликованы статьи, составляющие вторую часть тематического выпуска и подготовленные их авторами на основе материалов, представленных на научной конференции «Научный сервис в сети Интернет» 2019 года. Тематика конференции и, соответственно, тематического выпуска достаточно широка: от цифровых библиотек, библиографических баз и наукометрии до различных специальных областей использования возможностей интернета для научных исследований.

Первая часть тематического выпуска размещена в №3 журнала «Электронные библиотеки» за 2020 год.

М. М. Горбунов-Посадов, А. М. Елизаров

Published: 28.05.2020

On Modeling the Operation of the Defense Industries of the Economy: Information Support

Anatoly Anatolievich Akinshin, Yuri Evgenievich Polyak
Abstract: When processing huge amounts of information arising in the process of activities of individual organizations and entire sectors of the economy, new approaches and solutions are needed. For effective conversion of national defense industry, an information and analytical system is being developed. The paper discusses the created tool for systematization of open data on military products and defense industry potential. In particular, a resource is being developed that will be a kind of aggregator of this information.

Web Based System for Program Analysis and Transformation in Optimizing Parallelizing System

Anton Pavlovich Bagly
Abstract: Experience of designing different variants for web-based development environment (IDE) for Optimizing parallelizing system and compiler for reconfigurable architecture is described. Designed system is based on existing tools and frameworks such as Jupyter Notebook and Eclipse Che. Set of requirements for Optimizing parallelizing system components is developed to make it possible to integrate them into web-based development environment accessible through the Internet. Designing portable environment for compiler development, compiler technology demonstration and teaching parallel program development is also described. Examples of performing newly developed program transformations are shown to be used during program optimizations for FPGA inside the designed web environment. Means of program transformation visualization are described for use with Jupyter Notebook. The work shown demonstrates possibility to organize remote access to library of instruments and tools for program optimizations currently under development that would be convenient for application developers.

The Using of DVM-System for Developing of a Program for Calculations of the Problem of Radiation Magnetic Gas Dynamics and Research of Plasma Dynamics in the QSPA Channel

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Bakhtin, Dmitry Aleksandrovich Zakharov, Andrey Nikolaevich Kozlov, Veniamin Sergeevich Konovalov
Abstract: DVM-system is designed for the development of parallel programs of scientific and technical calculations in the C-DVMH and Fortran-DVMH languages. These languages use a single DVMH-model of parallel programming model and are an extension of the standard C and Fortran languages with parallelism specifications in the form of compiler directives. The DVMH model makes it possible to create efficient parallel programs for heterogeneous computing clusters, in the nodes of which accelerators, graphic processors or Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors can be used as computing devices along with universal multi-core processors. The article describes the experience of the successful using of DVM-system to develop a parallel software code for calculating the problem of radiation magnetic gas dynamics and for research of plasma dynamics in the QSPA channel.

Stability Studies of a Coupled Model to Perturbation of Initial Data

Konstantin Pavlovich Belyaev, Gury Mikhaylovich Mikhaylov, Alexey Nikolaevich Salnikov, Natalia Pavlovna Tuchkova
Abstract: The stability problem is considered in terms of the classical Lyapunov definition. For this, a set of initial conditions is set, consisting of their preliminary calculations, and the spread of the trajectories obtained as a result of numerical simulation is analyzed. This procedure is implemented as a series of ensemble experiments with a joint MPI-ESM model of the Institute of Meteorology M. Planck (Germany). For numerical modeling, a series of different initial values of the characteristic fields was specified and the model was integrated, starting from each of these fields for different time periods. Extreme ocean level characteristics over a period of 30 years were studied. The statistical distribution was built, the parameters of this distribution were estimated, and the statistical forecast for 5 years in advance was studied. It is shown that the statistical forecast of the level corresponds to the calculated forecast obtained by the model. The localization of extreme level values was studied and an analysis of these results was carried out. Numerical calculations were performed on the Lomonosov-2 supercomputer of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Separating Input/Output Automata With Nondeterministic Behavior

Igor Borisovich Burdonov, Nina Vladimirovna Yevtushenko, Alexander Sergeevich Kossachev
Abstract: When deriving tests for checking functional and nonfunctional requirements for components of control systems, the notion of separablity becomes very important that is used for distinguishing the fault-free component from a faulty one. In order to do this, proper separating sequences are utilized. Such sequences are well studied for complete and deterministic Finite State Machines but components of control systems can be only partially described and their behavior can be nondeterministic. In this paper, we consider the formal model of Input/Output automata, introduce the notion of a separating sequence for two such automata and propose an approach for deriving such a separating sequence.

Convergence Research of Numerical Methods for Solving Problems With Mixed Type Operator in an Unlimited Area

Mikhail Pavlovich Galanin, Dmitry Leonidovich Sorokin
Abstract: Methods for solving problems of elliptic equations, based on the third Green formula, was analyzed. New methods for solving a problem with a mixed-type operator in an unbounded domain are proposed. On the basis of the proposed methods, programs for solving problems with a mixed type operator have been created. The results of computational experiments, showing the correctness of the application of methods, are presented.

Парадигма Программированияon Systematization of Programming Paradigms by Decision-Making Priorities

Lidia Vasiljevna Gorodnyaya
Abstract: The report is devoted to the analysis of the method of comparison of programming languages, convenient for assessing the expressive power of languages and the complexity of the programming systems. The method is adapted to substantiate practical, objective criteria of program decomposition, which can be considered as an approach to solving the problem of factorization of very complicated definitions of programming languages and their support systems. The article presents the results of the analysis of the most well-known programming paradigms and outlines an approach to navigation in the modern expanding space of programming languages, based on the classification of paradigms on the peculiarities of problem statements and semantic characteristics of programming languages and systems with an emphasis on the criteria for the quality of programs and priorities in decision-making in their implementation.

Refal on Server Side

Alexander Gusev
Abstract: This work is devoted to the description of the project of updating the technology of algorithmic language application created in the USSR in the 60s of the XX century by V. F. Turchin. The language was originally intended for various logical transformations primarily of text material. In practice, the scope was wider: machine translation, optimization and compilation of programs, proof of theorems, modeling of complex electronic circuits, solving a number of problems of artificial intelligence. The language now has a sufficient number of followers, mainly in scientific circles.The objective of the described project is to create a product that allows the use of Refal in modern mass applications and to expand the range of its potential users to the entire Internet. A survey of the community of users and developers of Refal was conducted in order to get an idea of the current state of Affairs, current implementations and ways of language development. Possible means of project implementation were considered. No information was received on similar developments under way.

Recommender System in the Process of Scientific Peer Review in Mathematical Journal

Alexander Mikhailovich Elizarov, Evgeny Konstantinovich Lipachev, Shamil Makhmutovich Khaydarov
Abstract: An approach is proposed for organizing expert evaluation of a scientific document submitted to a mathematical journal. Domain restriction is associated with the use of the Mathematical Sciences Classification System – MSC. A recommendation system is presented that allows you to create a list of possible experts for conducting scientific peer-reviewing on a mathematical article. The recommender system uses the MSC codes presented by the author of the article on the MSC2020 classifiers. If the codes MSC2000 or MSC2010 are indicated in the article, they are automatically converted to codes MSC2020. For each expert, the system supports a personal profile that contains a set of codes MSC2020, supplemented by numerical characteristics – weights calculated for each code in accordance with the system of accounting for competencies, preferences or refusals to participate in the review procedure. This set is automatically edited if the expert is included in the list of possible reviewers – the weights of several codes increase or decrease, as well as new codes are added. The recommendation system is implemented as an integrated tool (plug-in) of the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. The developed method has been tested in the information system of the Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics (https://ljm.kpfu.ru).

Specialization of Microcomputers for Targeted Use

Felix Osvaldovich Kasparinsky
Abstract: Since 2015, microcomputers have appeared in the information environment, which are a compact system unit with minimal functionality without peripherals. The article published the results of the analysis of the use of 6 different microcomputers in various fields of activity. The purpose of the study is to determine the limiting factors affecting the efficiency of the targeted use of microcomputers. It has been established that for scientific and educational presentations, office and trading activities, it is currently advisable to use fanless microcomputers with a perforated case and an internal WiFi antenna, at least 4 GB of operational and 64 GB of permanent memory, and a microSD (TF) memory card slot, at least 128 GB, NTFS file system), Intel HD Graphics, USB3.0 and HDMI interfaces. Based on comparative experiments, methodological recommendations were created on optimizing the configuration of the hardware-software environment of microcomputers in stationary and mobile conditions. The problems of major updates to Windows 10, as well as the compatibility of Microsoft Store software and third-party manufacturers, are analyzed. It is recommended to specialize individual microcomputers for working with 32-bit applications; accounting and cryptographic programs; as well as conducting presentations with their video. Options for optimal configuration of the Start menu of the Windows 10 desktop are suggested. It is concluded that specialization in the hardware-software configuration of modern microcomputers allows you to increase the efficiency of using single devices and their paired systems in accordance with BYOD (Bring Your Own Device).

Tactical Sorting of Managerial Tasks During Their Administration by Means of Priority, Specifications and Affiliations Labels

Felix Osvaldovich Kasparinsky
Abstract: The article analyzes the specifics of the functional programs for managing strategic, tactical and operational tasks. A technique for prefixing operational task names with tactical labels of Priorities, Specifications and Affiliations is proposed. Label abbreviations are formed in such a way as to ensure the correct prioritization when sorting tasks in alphabetical order. The quadrants of the D. Eisenhower Priorities matrix are indicated by two-letter marks: important urgently (IF – Important, Fast); important indefinitely (IS – Important, Slow); not important, but promptly (UF – Unimportant, Fast): neither important nor urgent (US – Unimportant, Slow). The labels of the Specifications matrix for the information environment (RA, RI, SA, SI) are composed of mutually exclusive properties of the availability of the Network (I – Internet and A – Autonomous) and the presence of reduced or special functionality (R – Reduced and S – Special). Labels of the transport specification (TA, TB, TC, TP) allow you to sort tasks that require moving (T – Translocation) on an airplane (A), a bus (B), a car (C) and on foot (P – Pedestrian), respectively. Three-letter marks of Affiliations (belonging to an individual or legal entity) are formed from the first letters of the name, middle name and last name or name of the laboratory, company, project. Tactical marks accelerate decision-making when forming a daily list of operational tasks.

Reconstruction of Multi-Dimensional Form of Linearized Accesses to Arrays in SAPFOR

Nikita Andreevich Kataev, Vladislav Nikolaevich Vasilkin
Abstract: The system for automated parallelization SAPFOR (System FOR Automated Parallelization) includes tools for program analysis and transformation. The main goal of the system is to reduce the complexity of program parallelization. SAPFOR system is focused on the investigation of multilingual applications in Fortran and C programming languages. The low-level LLVM IR representation is used in SAPFOR for program analysis. This representation allows us to perform various IR-level optimizations to improve the quality of program analysis. At the same time, it loses some features of the program, which are available in its higher level representation. One of these features is the multi-dimensional structure of the arrays. Data dependence analysis is one of the main problems which should be solved to automate program parallelization. Moreover, such an analysis belongs to the class of NP-hard problems. Knowledge of the multidimensional structure of arrays allows in many cases to take into account the structure of index expressions in calls to arrays and reduce the complexity of the analysis. In addition, the use of multi-dimensional arrays allows us to use multi-dimensional processor matrix and to parallelize a whole loop nests, rather than a single loop in the nest. So, parallelism of a program is going to be increased. These opportunities are natively supported in the DVM system. This paper discusses the approach used in the SAPFOR system to recover the form of multi-dimensional arrays by their linearized representation in LLVM IR. The proposed approach has been successfully evaluated on various applications including performance tests from the NAS Parallel Benchmarks suite.

Evolution of Visualization Methods for Research Publication Collections

Alexander Ivanovich Legalov, Igor Alexandrovich Legalov, Ivan Vasilievich Matkovsky
Abstract: It is proposed to add a static system of types to the dataflow functional model of parallel computing and the dataflow functional parallel programming language developed on its basis. The use of static typing increases the possibility of transforming dataflow functional parallel programs into programs running on modern parallel computing systems. Language constructions are proposed. Their syntax and semantics are described. It is noted that the need to use the single assignment principle in the formation of data storages of a particular type. The features of instrumental support of the proposed approach are considered.

Methods and Algorithms for Increasing Linked Data Expressiveness (Overview)

Olga Avenirovna Nevzorova
Abstract: This review discusses methods and algorithms for increasing linked data expressiveness which are prepared for Web publication. The main approaches to the enrichment of ontologies are considered, the methods on which they are based and the tools for implementing the corresponding methods are described.The main stage in the general scheme of the related data life cycle in a cloud of Linked Open Data is the stage of building a set of related RDF- triples. To improve the classification of data and the analysis of their quality, various methods are used to increase the expressiveness of related data. The main ideas of these methods are concerned with the enrichment of existing ontologies (an expansion of the basic scheme of knowledge) by adding or improving terminological axioms. Enrichment methods are based on methods used in various fields, such as knowledge representation, machine learning, statistics, natural language processing, analysis of formal concepts, and game theory.

Monitoring Mobile Information Processing Systems

Oleg Panarin, Igor Zacharov
Abstract: We describe the implementation of the monitoring for the IT systems at the core of the autonomous driving vehicle. The role of the monitoring is to assist in decision to start the driving cycle and continuous assessment for the fitness to drive the vehicle. The requirements for the monitoring system with the increased resiliency and data replication make it sufficiently different from standard monitoring systems and warrant a unique implementation tuned for the autonomous driving requirements. The monitoring system combines the OS events and real-time measurements of sensor data. The information is stored in flat files for emergency access as well as in a Time Series Data Base (TSDB).

Application of Supercomputer Technologies for Long-Term Modeling of Permafrost Boundaries in the Oil and Gas Fields of the Arctic

Mikhail Yurievich Filimonov, Nataliia Anatolyevna Vaganova, Elena Nikolaevna Akimova, Vladimir Evgenevich Misilov
Abstract: A model of propagation of thermal fields in permafrost from various engineering objects operating in Arctic regions is considered. The proposed model includes the most significant technical and climatic parameters affecting the formation of thermal fields in the surface layer of the soil. The main objective of the study is a long-term forecasting of changes in the dynamics of permafrost boundaries during operation of cluster sites of northern oil and gas fields. Such a forecast is obtained by simulation of complex system consisting of heat or cold sources and frozen soil, thawing of which can lead to the loss of the bearing capacity and possible technogenic and environmental accidents. For example, the sources of heat can be production wells, and the sources of cold can be seasonal cooling devices that are used to stabilize the soil. To minimize the impact of heat sources on permafrost, various options for thermal insulation are used, and to preserve the original temperature regime of the top layer of soil, riprap materials consisting of sand, concrete, foam concrete, or other heat insulating material are used. The developed set of programs was used in the design of 12 northern oil and gas fields. To solve the described problem in a complex three-dimensional area, substantial computational resources are required. The computing time of one variant can often exceed 10–20 hours of machine time on a supercomputer. To speed up the numerical calculations, multi-core processors are used. Numerical calculations illustrate the possibility of a developed set of programs for making long-term forecasts for determining changes in the boundaries of the permafrost zones, and show that on multi-core processors it is possible to achieve acceleration close to the theoretical one.

Debugging Parallel Programs in DVM-System

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Bakhtin, Dmitry Aleksandrovich Zakharov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Ermichev, Victor Alekseevich Krukov
Abstract: DVM-system is designed for the development of parallel programs of scientific and technical calculations in the C-DVMH and Fortran-DVMH languages. These languages use a single DVMH-model of parallel programming model and are an extension of the standard C and Fortran languages with parallelism specifications in the form of compiler directives. The DVMH model makes it possible to create efficient parallel programs for heterogeneous computing clusters, in the nodes of which accelerators, graphic processors or Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors can be used as computing devices along with universal multi-core processors. The article describes the method of debugging parallel programs in DVM-system, as well as new features of DVM-debugger.