Published: 29.04.2022

Development of a Multicloud Service for Cloud Resource Migration

Rustem Ramilevich Galiev, Karen Albertovich Grigoryan

Cloud platforms and services have become an important factor in the explosive development of the digital economy in the last decade. The ability to quickly scale the service, coupled with a reduction in investment costs at the start of projects within the framework of the Iaas, PaaS, SaaS approaches, gave positive results and formed the basis of new business models and corporate solutions.


In this article, we discuss the reasons for the importance of multicloud and explore approaches to integrating cloud services in a multicloud architecture. The article also proposes a way to solve the problem of cloud migration - developing a system for migrating cloud resources between cloud services.

From an Information and Analytical Environment to Support Scientific Research in Geology to a Single Digital Space of Geological Scientific Knowledge

Vera Viktorovna Naumova, Vitaliy Sergeevich Eremenko, Alexander Sergeevich Eremenko, Aleksey Andreevich Zagumennov, Michail Ivanovich Patuk

The article describes all stages of the development of an Information system for the creation, development and support of scientific research in geology: from the Information and analytical environment to the Unified Digital Space of geological scientific knowledge. The current stage of the Project under development is a step forward from the traditional geographically distributed geological system to the digital environment of the future.

Scientific and Publishing Services on the Lobachevskii-DML Platform

Olga Avenirovna Nevzorova, Konstantin Sergeevich Nikolaev

The article provides an overview of existing digital publishing systems, existing ways to expand the functionality of such systems, and also proposes a project for a set of services to expand the functionality of the Open Journal Systems publishing system on the platform of the Lobachevskii-DML digital mathematical library. The proposed set of services includes services aimed at the authors of articles and intended for the editorial staff of the journal. The existing developments in individual parts of the project are described, and the main ideas for the development of all services are proposed.

An Approach to Individualization and Control of Students’ Activities During Wathing a Video Lecture

Maxim Yurevich Novikov

The article is devoted to the issue of the use of digital educational services in the process of teaching students of higher educational institutions. Based on the experience of using various teaching methods and digital resources in teaching students, new digital solutions are proposed that solve some of the didactic tasks and provide new opportunities for organizing the learning process. The main issue under discussion is the possibility of individualization and control of the learning process in the case of the use of teaching video materials by the teacher. By comparing the traditional face-to-face lecture and the training video, the positive and negative effects of each of the approaches to the delivery of lecture material are described. Based on the results of such a comparison, a video lecture model is proposed that includes interactive feedback elements.

Digitalization of School Mathematics – from Learning Goals to Technologies

Boris Evgenyevich Starichenko, Lubov Vladimirovna Sardak

The article identifies four categories of goals for studying mathematics at school: mastering theoretical positions at the evidentiary level, mastering algorithms for solving mathematical problems that illustrate the provisions of the theory, using the studied algorithms to solve applied and research problems, using mathematical methods and algorithms for teaching programming. Such a selection makes it possible to substantiate and specify the use of digital technologies in the course of mathematics, as well as to ensure their continuity, including with subsequent higher education courses. The importance of using mobile and cloud technologies and applications in independent (home) work of students in mathematics is emphasized.

Development of a System for Collecting Data on the Movement of People Indoors

Chingiz Irekovich Fatikhov, Karen Albertovich Grigorian

The COVID-19 pandemic makes the problem of monitoring and analyzing the movement of people indoors more urgent in order to timely identify those who have been in contact with the sick and prevent further spread of the infection.

The article proposes one of the ways to solve this problem - the development of a system for determining and saving the history of the location of people inside the premises. The article also discusses methods, parameters and technologies that can be used to solve the problem of indoor localization.