Настоящий номер журнала «Электронные библиотеки» является второй частью тематического выпуска (первая часть – №5 за 2021 год) и включает статьи, подготовленные их авторами на основе материалов, представленных и доложенных на XXIII Всероссийской научной конференции «Научный сервис в сети Интернет». Конференция была проведена с 20 по 23 сентября 2021 года в режиме онлайн и традиционно была посвящена направлениям и тенденциям использования интернет-технологий в современных научных исследованиях. Организатором конференции был Институт прикладной математики им. М.В. Келдыша Российской академии наук.


М.М. Горбунов-Посадов, А.М. Елизаров

Published: 26.01.2022

In memory of Alexander Nikolaevich Tomilin


В статье описан научный путь профессора, д. ф. м. н. Александра Николаевича Томилина (1933-2021).

Semantic library as a tool of defining a scientific subject area

Olga Muratovna Ataeva, Vladimir Alekseevich Serebriakov

The paper considers an information system designed to represent a subject area related to science and its features. Highlighted general concepts for formal descriptions of such a subject area in the knowledge base of the semantic library. The peculiarity of these areas is that the data structure is subject to frequent changes. Therefore, the means of organizing knowledge, which is a semantic library, should be sufficiently universal and not require deep technical knowledge. The paper describes the functionality of the system and its use. For each area, the set of resources can differ both in format and in the set of the resources themselves. The set of concepts that form the description of the library's content should be so universal that it can be adapted to the needs of a particular area. Three levels of metadata are used to represent the data.

On the Synonym Search Model

Olga Muratovna Ataeva, Vladimir Alekseevich Serebriakov, Natalia Pavlovna Tuchkova

The problem of finding the most relevant documents as a result of an extended and refined query is considered. For this, a search model and a text preprocessing mechanism are proposed, as well as the joint use of a search engine and a neural network model built on the basis of an index using word2vec algorithms to generate an extended query with synonyms and refine search results based on a selection of similar documents in a digital semantic library. The paper investigates the construction of a vector representation of documents based on paragraphs in relation to the data array of the digital semantic library LibMeta. Each piece of text is labeled. Both the whole document and its separate parts can be marked. The problem of enriching user queries with synonyms was solved, then when building a search model together with word2vec algorithms, an approach of "indexing first, then training" was used to cover more information and give more accurate search results. The model was trained on the basis of the library's mathematical content. Examples of training, extended query and search quality assessment using training and synonyms are given.

Extraction Of Wikidata Knowledge For The Metadata Formation For Documents of Digital Mathematical Collections

Polina Olegovna Gafurova, Alexander Michailovich Elizarov, Evgeny Konstantinovich Lipachev

Methods for creating digital mathematical collections that include unstructured sets of documents are presented. These sets contain materials from scientific conferences, as well as articles from the archives of mathematical journals of the "pre-digital" period.

Using the software tools of the metadata factory of the digital mathematical library Lobachevskii DML, a mandatory set of metadata for digital collection documents was formed. To refine and replenish the metadata sets, knowledge extraction methods from Wikidata were used.

To search Wikidata for information about digital collection documents and their authors, a system of SPARQL queries has been developed. A set of Wikidata entities is defined, which determine the features of the search, as well as the subsequent filtering of the results.

Methods for clarifying and supplementing the bibliographic references given in the articles are proposed. When forming the metadata of documents of retrocollections, a search was made in Wikidata for information about the years of life of the authors of articles, as well as URLs of web pages with information about articles and their authors. The results of the formation of several new digital collections of the Lobachevskii-DML digital library are presented.

The Rating of the Journal in the Bibliographic Database

Mikhail Mikhailovich Gorbunov-Posadov, Tatyana Alekseevna Polilova

The tool for building ratings of scientific journals is one of the popular services of bibliographic databases. The task of building a rating is usually divided into two main subtasks: determining the reference group of journals and calculating the rating indicator for journals of this reference group. Practice shows that for the correct comparison of journals, a necessary condition is to limit the reference group to exclusively journals of a certain subject. In the case of methodological errors made at the stage of selecting a reference group, the values of the journal index in the rating may differ greatly from the expected ones.

For example, in the ranking of journals in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) according to the two-year impact factor in the thematic area “Mathematics”, classical fundamental mathematical journals, contrary to expectations, do not reach the first positions of the rating. The first positions were taken by journals for which mathematics is not the dominant profile discipline. Analysis of statistical data on the subject of published articles and citations in journals that occupy leading positions in the RSCI rating shows that the multidisciplinary nature of these journals significantly influenced the rating indicators.

The noted misunderstanding leads to the idea that in this case, not all the articles of the journal should have been involved in the calculation of the rating, but only those related to this thematic area. At the same time, the existing scheme of thematic classification of directions also raises questions. The "bottom-up" classification, which is gaining popularity and works on a representative array of articles, seems to be more promising. Here thematic clusters are isolated on the basis of the concept of proximity of articles, interpreted as the proximity of their bibliographic links. And further, the thematic affiliation of the article is not assigned by the volitional decision of the author or the editorial board, but is strictly formally calculated on the basis of its bibliographic list.

Perspectives of Functional Programming of Parallel Computations

Lidia Vasiljevna Gorodnyaya

The article is devoted to the results of the analysis of modern trends in functional programming, considered as a metaparadigm for solving the problems of organizing parallel computations and multithreaded programs for multiprocessor complexes and distributed systems. Taking into account the multi-paradigm nature of parallel programming, the paradigm analysis of languages and functional programming systems is used. This makes it possible to reduce the complexity of the problems being solved by methods of decomposition of programs into autonomously developed components, to evaluate their similarities and differences. Consideration of such features is necessary when predicting the course of application processes, as well as when planning the study and organizing the development of programs. There is reason to believe that functional programming has the ability to improve programs performance. A variety of paradigmatic characteristics inherent in the preparation and debugging of long-lived parallel computing programs are shown.

Improving the Quality of Metadata Scientific Publications with Crossref Reports

Alexey Viktorovich Ermakov

Issues related to improving the quality of metadata of scientific publications placed in the Crossref bibliographic database are considered. All information contained in metadata obtained from publishers of scientific publications, Crossref analyzes and displays in various reports. The reports give publishers an idea of the completeness and correctness of the bibliographic data provided. The quality of metadata directly or indirectly affects the number of views and links to a publication, respectively, on the ratings of scientific publications, authors and organizations.

Long-Term Electronic Archives: Modernization and Integration

Alexander Gurevich Marchuk, Sergey Nikolaevich Troshkov, Irina Alexandrovna Krayneva

Over a period of about twenty years, the IIS SB RAS has created information systems of historical orientation: the Electronic Archive of Academician A.P. Ershov, the Photo Archive of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, the Archive of the newspaper “Science in Siberia”, the Open Archive of the SB RAS, etc. Each of the resources has its own specifics but in general their content is based on the general social and territorial basis of scientific and public activities of the SB AS USSR/RAS and the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. In this report we will look at some of the problems of integrating/disintegrating disparate electronic resources into a common platform using existing and emerging tools.

Publications of the XIX-XX Centuries about the Telegraph (Based on Materials from Electronic Libraries)

Yuri Evgenievich Polyak

The century before last saw revolutionary changes in the transmission of information. For the functioning of the optical telegraph, which appeared in the late 18th century, cumbersome towers were necessary for the line of sight of semaphore signals. A hundred years later, the length of telegraph lines was hundreds of thousands of kilometers. At the turn of the century, the first experiments with the use of wireless telegraph began. This is reflected in numerous brochures, books, periodicals of that time. After another hundred years, many of these materials have become publicly available thanks to the development of the Internet and electronic libraries; they are intensively viewed and posted online. The rapid growth in the number of digital libraries and their content made this paper possible. Its goal is to trace the evolution of technologies and processes of information transfer reflected in literature, using a wide variety of electronic libraries - from the ambitious projects of the Library of Congress or Google Books with their millions of digitized books to modest private collections. dedicated to local topics. Materials from more than 20 electronic libraries have been used.

Interactive Structure Editor for Scenario Prototyping Tool

Gulnara Faritovna Sahibgareeva, Vlada Vladimirovna Kugurakova

The task of automating the routine work of computer game writers and narrative designers, set forth in earlier works, has been continued in the presented work. The issues of visualization of branching narrative structures of computer games are considered, the analysis of various approaches to visualization of the plot and other important components of a video game is performed, a technological stack is selected and specific solutions for storing in the form of a structured script, allowing the generation of continuing narrative branches and testing of the narrative prototyping stage using the automatically generated text novelette are given.

Electronic Database on Experimental Bond Dissociation Energies of Organic Compounds

Vladimir Evgen’evicn Tumanov, Andrey Ivanovich Prokhorov

The presented web database on experimental homolytic bond dissociation energies in organic compounds is intended for use by a wide range of theoreticians and practitioners in free access. The paper provides a brief overview of the sources of the dissociation energies of bonds of organic molecules, which are calculated theoretically, measured experimentally and estimated from kinetic and thermochemical experimental data, their presentation in the Internet database. A web database on homolytic bond dissociation energies of organic compounds is presented. The reported bond dissociation energies are calculated from experimental kinetic and thermochemical data. Descriptions of experimental data sources, classes of organic compounds and calculation methods are given. The logical structure of the database and the description of the main fields of its tables are given. The main search form of the database interface is presented and an example of a search result for a specific organic compound is given. Bond dissociation energies are calculated at a temperature of 298.15 K, which is usually absent in most sources. The analogs of the present base are inferior to the latter in taking into account temperature correlations. Currently, work is underway to analyze and analyze the published data taking into account the entropy effects.

Further Development of Studies of Pressure Fields in the Arctic Region of Russia

Natalia Pavlovna Tuchkova, Konstantin Pavlovich Belyaev, Gury Mickailovich Mickailov, Alexey Nikolaevich Salnikov

The results of studies of atmospheric pressure in the Arctic region of Russia in the period from 1948 to 2008 are presented. The analysis of the climatic seasonal variation of the atmospheric pressure fields is carried out. As the main research method, the probabilistic and statistical analysis of the time series of the pressure field 60 years long at fixed points in the region of the Arctic zone of Russia was used. In total, about 90,000 daily (in six-hour increments) pressure values were examined. On the basis of these data, a climatic seasonal variation was constructed as an averaging of the values of a given time series at each point in space and for a fixed date. The characteristics of the seasonal course, its amplitude and phase have been studied. These characteristics were analyzed and their geophysical interpretation was carried out. In particular, the minimum and maximum values ​​of the series were determined for the entire region and the time series of these characteristics were constructed. It is shown that the deviation is asymmetric, this is an unobvious research result. For the maximum and minimum, the best approximations were constructed, and these approximations were tested by known methods of statistical analysis, including maximum likelihood, least squares and goodness of fit methods (tests), in particular, the χ2-criterion. The conducted research has applications both purely physical (allows to explain the nature, genesis and distribution of large-scale atmospheric formations in a climatic year) and prognostic (allows understanding and tracking trends in climate, as well as quantitatively assessing the scale and variability of large-scale atmospheric processes). Numerical calculations were performed on the Lomonosov-2 supercomputer of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.