Research of Bibliographic References in Math-Net.Ru using the Journal Citation Graph

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Andrey Anatolievich Pechnikov
Dmitry Evgen'evich Chebukov


According to the portal Math-Net.Ru a graph of journal citation is constructed. To increase the reliability of the model, the citation time interval was chosen from 2010 to 2021, when the distribution of citation articles stabilized at the level of 3500-4500 citations per year. The structure of link aging is studied and it is shown that their half-life is equal to 8 years. Therefore, the publication date of the cited articles was limited to 2002. For the constructed citation graph, the main properties, such as a small diameter and a high density, are obtained, indicating a high level of scientific communication in the Math-Net.Ru. The absence of the “Matthew effect” as a pronounced advantage in quoting established journals in relation to less well-known ones is shown. Adequacy of the journal citation graph Math-Net.Ru as a model of scientific communication confirmed by comparing the ranking of journals in the citation graph with their SCIENCE INDEX rating in eLIBRARY.RU. A direct moderate relationship between the two rankings is shown. A number of meaningful conclusions are drawn from the analysis of the citation graph.

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