On Some Properties of Collaboration Graphs of Scientists in Math-Net.Ru

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A study of two graphs of scientific cooperation based on co-authorship and citation according to the all-Russian mathematical portal was conducted Math-Net.Ru. A citation-based scientific collaboration graph is a directed graph without loops and multiple edges, whose vertices are the authors of publications, and arcs connect them when there is at least one publication of the first author that cites the publication of the second author. A co-authorship graph is an undirected graph in which the vertices are the authors, and the edges record the co-authorship of two authors in at least one article. The customary study of the main characteristics of both graphs is carried out: diameter and average distance, connectivity components and clustering. In both graphs, we observe a similar connectivity structure – the presence of a giant component and a large number of small components. The similarity and difference of scientific cooperation through co-authorship and citation is noted.

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