Of Neural Network Model Robustness Through Generating Invariant to Attributes Embeddings

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Model robustness to minor deviations in the distribution of input data is an important criterion in many tasks. Neural networks show high accuracy on training samples, but the quality on test samples can be dropped dramatically due to different data distributions, a situation that is exacerbated at the subgroup level within each category. In this article we show how the robustness of the model at the subgroup level can be significantly improved with the help of the domain adaptation approach to image embeddings. We have found that application of a competitive approach to embeddings limitation gives a significant increase of accuracy metrics in a complex subgroup in comparison with the previous models. The method was tested on two independent datasets, the accuracy in a complex subgroup on the Waterbirds dataset is 90.3 {y : waterbirds;a : landbackground}, on the CelebA dataset is 92.22 {y : blondhair;a : male}.

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