Recommender system of text analytics of legal documents

Main Article Content

Денис Сергеевич Зуев
Марат Фаритович Насрутдинов
Айрат Фаридович Хасьянов


The paper discusses the use of machine learning mechanisms, natural language analysis and intellectual search in the field of jurisprudence. The main expected results are the methodology for applying text-based analytics and semantic natural language processing (NLP) algorithms in knowledge management cases in different types of legal practice. The obtained results can be applied in the field of education and knowledge management in a wider context, since the study lies at the union of jurisprudence, mathematical and computer linguistics.

We describe a prototype of a multi-agent system of intellectual analysis of legal texts that is capable of identifying general dependencies on the existing database of legal documents, providing legal cases with similar topics, recommending the most likely outcomes of judicial review.

Article Details

Author Biographies

Денис Сергеевич Зуев

PhD, Deputy director for research, Higher Institute of Information Technology an Intelligent Systems.

Марат Фаритович Насрутдинов

Deputy Director for Education at Higher Institute for Information Technology and Information Systems of Kazan Federal University.

Айрат Фаридович Хасьянов

Phd, Director at Higher Institute for Information Technology and Information Systems of Kazan Federal University.


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