The concept of automatic creation tool for computer game scenario prototype

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Гульнара Фаритовна Сахибгареева
Влада Владимировна Кугуракова


The description of the architecture of the tool for generating a scenario prototype from the text outlined in this paper is described based on the existing solutions.

We formed software requirements and developed prototype of the tool that illustrating the basic principle of the user's work with the application.

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Author Biographies

Гульнара Фаритовна Сахибгареева

Bachelor of Higher School ITIS. Sphere of interests: game scripts, narrative design, studying the effectiveness of creating a scenario prototype and the ability to automate this process.

Влада Владимировна Кугуракова

Senior Lecturer of Higher School of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems, Head of Laboratory «SIM». Sphere of interests: game development, immersivity of virtual environment, narrative identity.


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