Web resources of russian universities: the self-organization or administrative impact-case study of St. Petersburg State University

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Андрей Анатольевич Печников


The web space of the organization is the many web sites connected by hyperlinks. The main question considered in the article, is whether this web space self-organizing, i.e. the ordering of its elements occurs at the expense of their internal interaction without external influences, or external (so-called "administrative") the impact is so strong that their influence can be detected. The article proposes a common approach demonstrated by the example of the web space of St. Petersburg State University. On the question of whether significant administrative influence on the web space of the University, in this case on the basis of the analysis given a positive response

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Author Biography

Андрей Анатольевич Печников

Doctor of Technics (Comp. Sci.), Chief Research Associate, Head in the Laboratory for Telecommunications Systems, Institute of Applied Mathematical Research Karelian Research Centre of RAS.


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