Настоящие номера 3 и 4 журнала «Электронные библиотеки» включают статьи, подготовленные сотрудниками и студентами кафедры программной инженерии Высшей школы информационных технологий и интеллектуальных систем Казанского (Приволжского) федерального университета (ВШ ИТИС КФУ).

Статьи, представленные в данном тематическом сборнике, охватывают несколько основных направлений деятельности кафедры: цифровое образование и использование программных инструментов в образовательном процессе, виртуальная реальность и компьютерные игры, мобильные технологии.

В контексте цифрового образования авторы нескольких статей обращают внимание на применение мобильных технологий в обучении для решения узкоспециализированных задач, рассматривают использование модели студента для задач образовательной аналитики и адаптивного обучения, а также приводят подход к реализации модели совместного обучения, основанной на стратегии STAD. Авторы предлагают также подходы к индивидуализации образования, касающиеся автоматизированной генерации индивидуальной траектории и расписания, а также формирования учебных групп и проектных команд с учетом компетенций и личностных качеств обучающихся. Кроме того, в этих работах раскрыта зависимость достоверности оценки знаний от визуального представления вопросов проверочного тестирования и приведена схема работы инструмента проектирования адаптивных тестов для microlearning-приложений, рассмотрены вопросы определения сложности курса и анализа связей расписания с успеваемостью студентов, описана концепция программного инструмента для обучения языку программирования Java с элементами игрофикации и особенности внедрения микросервисной архитектуры в проектную работу студенческой лаборатории.

В статьях, посвященных виртуальной реальности и разработке компьютерных игр, описаны концепции программного инструмента для генерации сценарного прототипа игры на основе текстового описания, предложен метод виртуализации запахов, а также представлены математические подходы для реализации методов синхронизации действий игрока и виртуального аватара.

В работах, описывающих новые решения в области мобильных разработок, рассмотрены методы модификации визуальных интерфейсов на основе индивидуальных характеристик пользователя, описан программный инструмент для автоматической генерации кода визуального интерфейса на основе данных графического редактора, приведен алгоритм синхронизации сессий дополненной реальности на мобильных устройствах.

Кроме того, в тематическом сборнике представлены статьи с описанием программных инструментов, использующих технологию распределенных реестров для решения специализированных задач, способов конфигурирования веб-приложений на основе UML-диаграмм, а также подходов к извлечению заголовков из научных документов.


И. С. Шахова, А. Ф. Хасьянов

Published: 13.08.2018

Generation of individual educational routes and learning schedule in individualization paradygm

Михаил Михайлович Абрамский, Эльвира Феликсовна Батырова, Айгуль Рустамовна Марданова, Татьяна Алексеевна Ахметзянова

An approach for individualization of education based on automatic generation of individual educational routes and schedule with respect to individual features and wishes of student. A working principle of developed instruments is shown. Question of the application of developed approaches and instruments in higher education are raised.

Project manager’s competency building using mobile learning technologies

Михаил Михайлович Абызов, Ирина Сергеевна Шахова

An overview of the methods for measuring progress of software development within flexible SCRUM methodology is given, as well as a description of a software tool development that monitors current status of project by time characteristics. The tool based on the characteristics can notificate project manager about events he have to pay attention in current project situation and help him to achieve effective results.

Augmented reality sessions synchronization algorithm in mobile applications

Дмитрий Андреевич Евдокименко, Ринат Гафурович Ханов, Ирина Сергеевна Шахова
Abstract: Implementation of augmented reality session synchronization algorithm in mobile iOS applications. Algorithm allows to create augmented reality sessions with several participants for their joint interaction with the same virtual objects.

Educational analytics and adaptive training using student model in the intellectual learning systems

Михаил Владиславович Каяшев, Денис Юрьевич Макаров, Антон Александрович Марченко

For support of adaptive training and educational analytics in the intellectual learning systems, it is necessary to collect, process data on progress of the student and his various individual characteristics. It can be realized by means of the student model. The analysis of approaches to modeling of the student has shown that application of several types of models is an optimal solution, considering requirements to the learning system. Three approaches were chosen and united into one model: overlay, Bayesian network, error model. Use of overlay model allows to build individual trajectories of student training. Bayesian networks realize competence-based approach in training. The model of mistakes keeps track of wrong knowledge of the student and helps the student to correct them at early stages. The student model uniting in itself these approaches is more suitable for realization of the personalized training, allows to keep track of progress of the student according to various characteristics and also gives the chance to easily submit the card of subjects, knowledge, competence of the student of various areas in the form of the count that is quite convenient and clear representation.

Generation of academic groups and project teams based on learners data acquisition

Наталья Александровна Коргутлова, Светлана Юрьевна Басаргина, Михаил Михайлович Абрамский, Марат Альбертович Солнцев, Таисия Сергеевна Бузукина

The questions of usage of the learners’ data in the solutions for generating student academic groups, electives and project teams are considered. The applications of Machine Learning clustering algorithms for these tasks are illustrated. The opportunity of usage of social network data is shown.

Instruments supporting role-based excercises using STAD strategy in e-learning systems

Владислав Владимирович Матюнин, Антон Алексадрович Марченко

In this paper one of the possible implementations of cooperative education models based on STAD (Student Teams-achievement Divisions) strategy of cooperative learning in LMS (Learning Management System) is described. The approaches of this learning methodology increase the level of teamwork skills, need in further professional activity, and their injection into LMS can help to automate and optimize some processes and open new opportunities for implementation of new instruments.  

Development of application for game-based learning of Java language with realtime code running

Лия Радиковна Нуруллина, Дамир Дмитриевич Ильясов, Азат Ильдарович Хайруллин, Руслан Радикович Мирхусаинов, Марсель Рафаэлевич Сидиков, Михаил Михайлович Абрамский, Азат Ринатович Ахметшин

This paper describes the development of the application prototype for learning Java language syntax. There are raised questions about the connection between gaming process implementation and learning exercises with the code running parts, and given the gameplay, architecture of client and server parts of the application.

The concept of automatic creation tool for computer game scenario prototype

Гульнара Фаритовна Сахибгареева, Влада Владимировна Кугуракова

The description of the architecture of the tool for generating a scenario prototype from the text outlined in this paper is described based on the existing solutions.

We formed software requirements and developed prototype of the tool that illustrating the basic principle of the user's work with the application.

Algorithm for generation of mobile applications' UI code based on data of graphic editor

Артемий Юрьевич Усачёв

The paper is devoted to the development of the algorithm for generating the code of user interfaces for native Android applications based on the data of the graphical editor. The problem of negative impact on the development time of the product for performing routine actions is considered, and a software tool for solving this problem is proposed.

Career digital passport based on distributed ledger technology

Айдар Ильдарович Шайфутдинов, Айрат Фаридович Хасьянов

This paper considers problems associated with the documentation of employment process and management of employment records. Today, these tasks are solved through paper contracts and, in the Russian Federation, through «labor books». In this paper a software solution based on distributed ledger technology (blockchain) and smart contracts is proposed to replace the existing paper workflow.

Microlearning apps architecture with reliable knowledge evaluation and visual design of testing scenarios

Михаил Михайлович Абрамский, Алина Рустемовна Москиева, Рамиля Радиковна Нигматуллина

An approach for designing Microlearning Applications is presented. The dependency of reliability of knowledge evaluation from visual representation of testing questions. And architecture of system and working principle of developed instrument for designing adaptive tests and testing scenarios is shown.

Smells' programming for a virtual survey of a crime scene

Игорь Олегович Антонов, Ксения Васильевна Зезегова, Влада Владимировна Кугуракова, Евгений Николаевич Лазарев, Мурад Рустэмович Хафизов

Virtual odor is a new technology that allows the user to plunge the user completely into virtual reality. In the paper, we propose a method of using virtual odor in learning systems for criminalists. We also describe the scheme of this method.

Configuring web applications based on UML state machine diagram

Ибрагим Анварович Габидуллин, Антон Александрович Марченко

In this paper, we describe a way to use UML diagrams for configuring web-application’s behavior. That is, using the configuration will determine the behavior of the system, the transitions between the screens, as well as the business logic of application. We examine and compare various UML diagrams for their possible features. A web framework for ASP.NET Core is developed, which uses the UML diagram to form a configuration in the XML or JSON file formats. Configuration will determine the behavior of the system. In addition, we describe further steps in using and developing the web-framework.

Synchronization of player and virtual avatar movements

Павел Дмитриевич Гришков, Влада Владимировна Кугуракова

The paper presents mathematical approaches for implementing methods for synchronizing human actions and virtual avatar movements, using inverse kinematics. To create a complete system for synchronizing the player's behavior and VR-avatar, the implementation of the necessary functionality is described: hand positioning, calibration of their size, bending of hands into anatomically acceptable sides, anatomical flexion of the spine, squatting and moving in space. The implementation of tilt and squat significantly extends the functionality of synchronization of the player's behavior and avatar, which allows creating a complete set of visual sensations of the user in a virtual environment, which is deprived of most of the applications of virtual reality at the moment.

Medical digital passport based on distributed ledger

Александр Маркович Плискин, Айрат Фаридович Хасьянов

The paper presents the implementation of the patient medical digital passport, using distributed ledger for storing encrypted electronic health records, patient and medic digital entities and accesses for data. A system for the secure distributed storage of highly sensitive confidential medical data is described.

Effective application development within microservice architecture

Анастасия Эдуардовна Порфильева, Рустем Фаритович Шайхутдинов, Гульшат Атласовна Нуриева, Марсель Рафаэлевич Сидиков, Михаил Михайлович Абрамский, Артур Иванович Карпов, Динар Ильдусович Раимов, Руслан Радикович Новиков

The paper presents the features of the using the microservice architecture in the development process. The advantages of this approach are illustrated in comparison with the traditional monolithic approach. The connection between the use of the microservice architecture and the ability of the team to work within agile development methodologies is shown.

Methods of Android applications' visual interfaces modifications based on individual user characteristics

Антон Михайлович Сарматин, Ирина Сергеевна Шахова
Abstract: The factors that influence the modification of visual interfaces are analyzed. The rules of modification of the considered factors on the basis of individual user characteristics are proposed. Methods for modifying the visual interfaces of Android applications have been developed.

About several methods and tools for the educational process quality analysis

Екатерина Анатольевна Свинтенок, Богдан Евгеньевич Попов, Михаил Михайлович Абрамский

This article raises questions of the determining course complexity and analyzing schedule and academic performance relations. Also there are emphasized important constituents of the courses and introduced ideas of the use cases of the allotted data.

Title extraction from english scientific books in PDF format

Дмитрий Сергеевич Филиппов

Relevance of the issue under study is due to tenuity of methods proposed by other researchers that use simple heuristics or machine learning algorithms. The purpose of the article is to provide better way to extract titles from scientific PDF documents and offer better and more reasonable approach to title selection generally. The leading approach to the study is regard as many cases and problems appeared during extraction as possible and find an approach to solve all of them. The results showed the efficiency of chosen approach in case of having a document set with all of considered problems. The research highlights that deep analysis of current task problem is a perspective to make the best solutions and tools. The article may be useful for all researchers and developers who often encounter the problem of document structural analysis or title detection as secondary task of a main program workflow.