Настоящий тематический выпуск журнала «Электронные библиотеки» содержит новые научные результаты, полученные сотрудниками и студентами Учебно-практической лаборатории визуализации и разработки игр (Digital Media Lab – DML) Высшей школы информационных технологий и информационных систем (ИТИС) Казанского (Приволжского) федерального университета (КФУ). Представленные статьи описывают решение разноплановых задач как в рамках исследований, проводимых в Лаборатории, так и в рамках дипломных проектов выпускников ИТИС. Это разработка новых методов для «оживления» midi-партий ударных музыкальных инструментов, конфигурирование вычислительного кластера для распределенного рендеринга высокореалистичных 3D сцен, создание контроллера реалистичного поведения стай и стад животных, проблемы облачного видеомониторинга через IP-камеры. Сфера применения результатов этих исследований – виртуальная и дополненная реальности в образовании; модернизация музеев с использованием виртуальной и дополненной реальностей; наблюдение за поведением людей и животных, а также видеонаблюдение за объектами с помощью камер.

Составитель тематического выпуска В.В. Кугуракова

Published: 21.09.2017

From the originator

Влада Владимировна Кугуракова
Abstract: -

Configuration of a computer cluster for distributed rendering of high-realistic 3D scenes

Рим Радикович Газизов, Даниил Иванович Костюк, Влада Владимировна Кугуракова
Abstract: The article discusses a method for implementing distributed computing using the GPU and modern administration tools and calculation management for the rendering farms. A comparative analysis is carried out between the traditional method of computing on the CPU and the modern approach to the GPU. Various configurations of the computing cluster are considered. The most productive way of rendering is determined.

Framework for cloud-video monitoring via IP-cameras with easily accessible control for users

Анастасия Сергеевна Гришина, Влада Владимировна Кугуракова

The article describes the main points of the process of creating a system that allows you to manage several cameras simultaneously while saving data on the server. The system has the ability to connect IP cameras and cameras on mobile devices, provide access to other users, and also allows you to watch video online. Hotspots in the architecture of the system have been identified and described. A separate Angular module was developed and design patterns were used. The interaction of the system with the user is described. The stages of further development of cloud video monitoring through ip-cameras with easily accessible control for the end-user are offered.

Controller of realistic behavior stay and stage of animals

Влада Владимировна Кугуракова, Александр Михайлович Степанов

The work is aimed at considering the process of modeling a realistic controller of the behavior of groups of objects. The main techniques and principles used to create a realistic controller of the behavior of autonomous agents, united in related groups, are investigated. Based on this data, a behavior controller has been created.

The following works were performed: on the calculation of the effectiveness of the behavior of groups of autonomous agents; on the possibility of using a system of local scalar fields with the aim of constructing the most accurate mathematical model; on the analysis of the possibility of creating a hierarchical system of multi-agent subgroups within the group, with the aim of realizing the movement of these same groups, as an integral part; to use a structured approach to create an efficient controller architecture; on conducting practical experiments to evaluate the correctness of the data obtained.

To achieve the goals set, the computational methods of optimization theory, mathematical statistics, and analytical methods of the mathematical modeling apparatus are involved.

Methods of “living” the midi party of shock musical instruments

Азат Ленарович Шайхутдинов
Abstract: This study discusses some of the shortcomings of Gaussian humanization and discusses how the articulation models developed by drummers can be emulated using a probabilistic model. An author's algorithm for “revitalizing” midi-parts of percussion instruments was developed. Various dependencies and regularities, which are manifested when playing drums, are programmed. The dependence of the notes parameters not only on the parameters of the previous notes, but also on the subsequent notes of the corresponding parts of the drum set was created. The dependence of the impact force on the position of the note in the measure is created. Thus, emphasizing notes in a strong lobe. Also, the dependence of the note's volume on the coincidence with the notes of other parts of the drum set was created. To increase the dynamism and liveliness of the party, the volume of the hat was increased before the impact on the small drum. A comparison was made of the amplitudes of the corresponding notes of the parts, as far as the party, animated using a certain method, is different from the one played by a professional drummer. When listening to tests, batches processed using a modified method objectively sound lively than using Gaussian and quantized batches.