Published: 12.01.2024
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Automated System for Selecting Optimal Methods for Solving Acoustic Problems Based on Ontology
The report presents the software package that will allow specialists in the field of architectural acoustics to choose the most appropriate methods for modeling sound and selecting finishing materials depending on the tasks and parameters of a building A distinctive feature of this system is the presence of an ontology of the subject area that describes the terms and relationships between concepts, as well as modules for solving various problems in the field of architectural acoustics. Such an approach will allow the user to recommend the most suitable simulation methods for one’s request due to considering the specifics of the premises and the functional requirements of the client. The on-demand software system allows to optimize and parallelize programs written in a domain-specific programming language. The paper describes the principles of source code analysis to identify critical areas and modify them using a bank of patterns. The report also discusses an approach to develop a domain-specific programming language based on domain ontology, ODSL (Ontology-Based Domain-Specific Language), which allows specialists to describe algorithms not accounting for different specific optimization and parallelization methods. The novelty of the work lies in the proposed architecture of modules based on applied ontology, which makes it possible to adapt the solution to other subject areas.
About Measuring of the Contribution of Software Decisions to Program Performance
The article draws attention to the problem of measuring the effect that programming solutions have on the programming productivity and performance, in educational programming and the correctness-saving program improvements. The results of some experiments concerning these questions are discussed. The hypothesis that functional models can provide a metric scale capable of separating features of programming languages and systems from features of programs and programming solutions is proposed. The results of a preliminary demonstrative experiment in studying the dependence of the program productivity upon the opted compiler and, on the other hand, upon the representation of the programming solution in the opted programming languages are described. Analysis of these results leads to a method that can reveal such dependencies. The long experience in sifting educational and contest programs revealed some unnoticed aspects of this problem.
Tool for Real-Time Sign Language Recognition from a Video Stream
A tool has been developed that recognizes words or individual letters from a video stream in real time. The possibilities and prospects for its application in modern society are considered. The results of experiments to test the performance of this tool using the example of English words and Latin letters are presented.
Analysis of the Russian Scientific Citation Index according to Data
Starting from spring 2022 a national system for evaluating the effectiveness of scientific research and development is being created using the database of leading Russian journals Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). The article represents some results of the analysis of the RSCI normalized rating published in December 2022. Using the journal citation graph constructed from the data Math-Net.Ru on the example of thematic group OECD 101.Mathematics we show that in the case of a large number of self-citations of the journals, a relationship between the normalized rating and the number of references is found, and the relationship with self-citation is somewhat stronger than without self-citation. Analysis of the distribution of the journals by thematic groups shows that using a single attribute, such as the OECD, as a criterion does not allow forming a group as a community of journals with a single strongly connected component in the citation graph. We conclude that the research methods of journal citation graphs are a good basis for a comparative analysis of the characteristics of journals and their ranking, which means they can be used as tools for further development and improvement of journal ratings.
Multitrading Analytical System
The multitrading analytical system is designed for operational, tactical and strategic forecasting of price changes of various financial instruments in the Forex market using the Metatrader 5 computer Internet terminal. In the Analytical windows of the terminal, a functional distribution of 17 indicators of technical analysis is organized into Sections of Price, Oscillations, Trends and Control. When setting up complex indicators of Price Equilibrium Level, Oscillation Distribution, Trend Potential and Oscillation Group Trend, a technique is used to connect trend indicators to oscillator data. Complex indicators unmask the stages of formation of elementary price oscillations and their groups (packets of 4 oscillations, blocks of 2 packages and modules of 4 blocks), and help establish the location of pivot points of price channels. For synchronous analysis of operational, tactical and strategic trends in price changes of one financial instrument, the Analytical Display combines six Analytical windows with a sequential increase in the time scale of interval charts (timeframes) by 4 times. Regulations have been developed for multiscale marking, design and use of Andrews pitchforks for forecasting long-term trends. Operational and tactical forecasts are visualized using multi-scale trend arrows in the Zone of Actual Oscillations. A technique is proposed for combining the tools of fundamental and technical analysis to determine the probability of the onset and relative significance of fundamental events that are not contained in the economic calendar.
Domestic Videoconferencing Systems
This paper provides an overview of some of the existing domestic video conferencing systems, and compares them with each other, with foreign analogues, as well as with freely distributed tools. The features of freely distributed systems are considered, their characteristics and disadvantages are analyzed.
Academician Glushkov's Fulfilled and Unfulfilled Forecasts
In 2023, the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist V.M. Glushkov was celebrated. More than 40 years ago, his book “Fundamentals of Paperless Informatics” was published, dedicated to various aspects of the use of electronic document management. In this monograph, the author substantiates the need for informatization of all aspects of life and shares his ideas about the future information society. However, his main project - the creation of a national automated system for recording and processing information OGAS - remained unrealized. The paper contains information from the biography of V.M. Glushkov, quotes from his monograph; describes the modern development of the ideas and forecasts described in it in relation to various spheres of society. The reasons for the failure of the OGAS project are also analyzed.
Open Archives of Ground-Based Ionospheric Radiosounding Data by Shortwave Signals
By the radiosounding of the ionosphere with short-wave signals, can be obtained information about the processes in the ionospheric plasma, about its structure and state; these data are also extremely important for radio engineering systems operating in the short-wave range. To date, a large amount of experimental data has been accumulated for various geo- and heliophysical, spatial and temporal conditions. The interest in large amounts of ionospheric radiosonde data is also motivated by the possibility of constructing statistical models using machine learning theory methods. The paper presents some Internet resources with ionospheric radiosonde data, shows the prospects for their application, and also identifies some problems, such as insufficient documentation of some data formats and the presentation of ionograms only in the form of raster images, most of which are also scanned from photographic films.