Editors M.M. Gorbunov-Posadov, A.M. Elizarov.

Published: 23.05.2023

Automation of Program Parallelization for Multicore Processors with Distributed Local Memory

Anton Pavlovich Bagliy, Nikita Maksimovich Krivosheyev, Boris Yakovlevich Steinberg

This paper is concerned with development of parallelizing compiler onto computer system with distributed memory. Industrial parallelizing compilers create programs for shared memory systems. Transformation of sequential programs onto systems with distributed memory requires development of new functions. This is becoming topical for future computer systems with hundreds and more cores. Conditions for program loop parallelization onto computer system with distributed memory is formulated in terms of information dependence graph.

Digital Ecosystem OntoMath as an Approach to Building the Space of Mathematical Knowledge

Alexander Mikhailovich Eizarov, Alexander Vitalevich Kirillovich, Evgeny Konstantinovich Lipachev, Olga Avenirovna Nevzorova

The results on the creation of methods for managing mathematical knowledge in the context of digital mathematical libraries are presented. The software tools developed on the basis of these methods are part of the OntoMath digital ecosystem, within which they interact. A brief description of the architecture of the OntoMath ecosystem is given, the levels of subject ontologies and external ontologies are highlighted, as well as the level of software tools and services. Semantic services are separated into a separate category. This term denotes software tools, in the functionality of which queries to subject ontologies are used to ensure the management of knowledge objects. General descriptions of developed subject ontologies are given: educational mathematical ontology OntoMathEdu and ontology of professional mathematics OntoMathPRO. The development of educational ontology is reflected in the direction of including educational prerequisite links between classes. Among the software tools of the digital ecosystem, search services for mathematical electronic collections, a service for semantic annotation of mathematical documents, tools for semantic marking of educational mathematical documents, as well as a system for automatically generating testing tests in mathematical educational disciplines are highlighted. As part of the OntoMath digital ecosystem, special-purpose recommender systems are being developed. The current version of the ecosystem includes a recommender system for generating a list of related articles based on the OntoMathPRO ontology, a recommender system for appointing experts to support the scientific review process, and recommender systems for selecting subject classifiers UDC and Mathematics Subject Classification codes for mathematical documents. The results are also presented in the direction of creating a digital library metadata factory, which includes services and tools for extracting, refining, replenishing and normalizing the metadata of electronic mathematical collections. Note that the OntoMath ecosystem is being developed as the technological basis for the Lobachevskii Digital Mathematical Library.

Semantic Recommendation Service for Assigning UDC Code to Mathematical Articles

Olga Avenirovna Nevzorova, Damir Albertovich Almukhametov

Classification of documents with the assignment of classifier codes is a traditional way of systematizing and searching for documents on a specific topic. The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) underlies the systematization of knowledge presented in libraries, databases and other information repositories. In Russia, UDC is an obligatory attribute of all book production and information on natural and technical sciences. The choice of classification codes is associated with the analysis of the structure of the classifier tree and is traditionally decided by the author of a scientific article. This article proposes a solution for automating the assigning the UDC classification code for a mathematical article based on a special resource – the OntoMathPRO ontology for professional mathematics, developed at Kazan Federal University. An approach to solving the problem is to create "code maps" for each classifying code in the UDC tree in the field of mathematics. Under the "code map" is meant a weighted set of all extracted, with the help of OntoMathPRO ontology, mathematical named entities from the collection of articles with a given UDC code. The creation of "code maps" is based on the hypothesis that the choice of the UDC code is determined by a certain set of classifying features that can be represented by classes from the OntoMathPRO ontology. The proposed hypothesis was tested and confirmed in the paper. The hypothesis was tested on a collection of mathematical articles An approach to solving the problem is to create "code maps" for each classifying code in the UDC tree in the field of mathematics. Under the "code map" is meant a weighted set of all extracted, with the help of OntoMathPRO ontology, mathematical named entities from the collection of articles with a given UDC code. The creation of "code maps" is based on the hypothesis that the choice of the UDC code is determined by a certain set of classifying features that can be represented by classes from the OntoMathPRO ontology. The proposed hypothesis was tested and confirmed in the paper.  The hypothesis was tested on a collection of mathematical articles published during 1999-2009 in the "Izvestiya VUZov. Mathematics" journal. 

Game Balance Tools

Gulnara Faritovna Sahibgareeva, Vlada Vladimirovna Kugurakova, Eduard Sergeevich Bolshakov

To disclose the concept of game balance and to develop an approach to automate the routine when working with game economics, methods of data analysis and experimentation were applied. According to the results of the analysis of existing definitions, a special case of mathematical balance and a generalized design definition of game balance were singled out. By parsing the existing approaches for balancing and testing games, a vision of our own solution was developed. Based on the findings, an approach for automating balance within a game prototype generator has been proposed. As an intermediate result, an updated structure and operation procedure of the game prototype generation tool were presented. The prospects for further development in this direction are given.

Methods and Tools Used for Preparation Scientific Articles Publications in HTML Format

Rimma Yuryevna Skornyakova

Along with the traditional form of electronic presentation of full texts scientific articles – the PDF format, the HTML format has become increasingly widespread in recent years. It has a number of advantages for online publications due to the available means for better content structuring, adding multimedia and implementing of various interactive and dynamic features. In this regard, the task of getting an HTML version of a scientific article from the original format sent by the author becomes highly topical. The article discusses various approaches to preparing HTML versions of full texts scientific articles and describes the software used in this process. The main attention is paid to the tools used for source materials in the Word format.

The paper also outlines the basics of the JATS XML standard, which is widely used in the preparation of online publications of journal articles.