Editors M.M. Gorbunov-Posadov, A.M. Elizarov.

Published: 20.01.2023

How the Latest Release Date of Publication is Formed in Bibliographic Reference "On the Fly"

Mikhail Mikhailovich Gorbunov-Posadov

The scientific work posted on the Internet, which its author constantly keeps up to date, will be called an alive publication. The genre of alive publishing has many attractive features. However, it requires a certain expansion of the composition of the meta-attributes of the publication: along with the traditional attributes, the date of the appearance of the new, fresh edition is brought to the fore here. Such date is placed in a prominent place in the text of the publication. Along with this, it becomes highly desirable to include such a dynamically ("on the fly") generated date in a bibliographic link to an alive publication. The currently used methods of dynamic extraction of this date are considered for a simple online publication, for a publication that has received a DOI through Crossref, and for a publication posted in arXiv.org.

Organization of Calculations and Work with Memory in the Educational Programming Language SYNHRO

Lidia Vasiljevna Gorodnyaya

The article is devoted to a number of decisions made in the project of the educational programming language Synchro, which is being developed at the Laboratory of Information Systems of the A.P. Ershov IIS SB RAS, designed to familiarize with the basic phenomena of the interaction of processes and control of calculations over shared memory. The focus is on the functional programming paradigm. The language is aimed at schoolchildren of primary and secondary grades, as well as junior students and non-professionals. During training, the experience of operating with toy robots moving on a checkered board is used. The article is of interest to everyone who is interested in the problems of modern computer science, programming and information technology, especially the problems of parallel computing on supercomputers and distributed systems, and in general the use of multiprocessor systems.

Using the Co-Authority Graph for the Thematic Search of Conferences on Scientometric Data

Alexander Sergeevich Kozitsyn, Sergey Alexandrovich Afonin, Dmitry Alekseevich Shachnev

Thematic information search is used in various fields of activity. The use of thematic analysis tools to search for conferences allows you to increase the completeness of the search and coverage of conferences, helps to expand the circle of scientific communication of young scientists and the formation of closer scientific connections. The search algorithms developed by the authors use the co-authorship graph and the reference set of authors. The set can be obtained using methods of thematic search of experts or based on given samples. The developed algorithms are language insensitive and take into account the authority of conferences in the scientific community. Approbation was carried out on the data of the scientometric system IAS ISTINA.

Semantic Annotation of Mathematical Formulas in PDF-Documents

Olga Avenirovna Nevzorova, Konstantin Sergeevich Nikolaev

This article provides an overview of existing solutions for semantic analysis of mathematical documents, and also presents a method for automatic semantic analysis of documents in PDF format. This method searches for local variables in the text of the article, extracts their definitions and connects concepts with formulas. The advantage of the method over the existing ones is independence from the markup of the original PDF document, which expands the scope of the method. We provide estimates of recall, precision and F-measure for algorithms for finding variables and linking local variables with formulas. The resulting semantic markup of the document will be used to create a collection of documents suitable for the semantic formula search service, which is part of the set of services of the Lobachevskii-DML digital publishing system.

Bibliographic Database Ratings and White Lists

Tatyana Alekseevna Polilova

Currently, Russian institutions are almost completely disconnected from Western information resources and services related to the publication of scientific journals. In such conditions, the task of replacing the departed services, reorientation to domestic scientific journals, Russian online library resources has become particularly actual. In the largest bibliographic database the eLibrary.ru, focused on Russian-language scientific publications, collected information about almost 15 thousand Russian-language journals. In the eLibrary.ru there is an analytical system "Russian Science Citation Index" that processes metadata of articles from more than 5 thousand Russian scientific journals. Is the eLibrary.ru ready to serve as a national bibliographic database? For what reason "white lists" of journals appear in Russian organizations?

The main problem of the RSCI is the quality of the constructed ratings of scientific journals. The methods of calculating ratings over the past years have caused certain criticisms. The paper provides an example of a rating of journals from the section "Mathematics" built in the RSCI. Journals that are little known among professional mathematicians were in the first positions. Serious deformations in the ratings of the eLibrary.ru undermine the confidence of scientists in the assessments of the credibility of Russian journals proposed by the eLibrary.ru. The reaction of some universities and scientific organizations is quite expected: organizations are beginning to introduce their own criteria for the success of the publication activities of employees associated with the publication of articles in journals from the so-called "white lists". The white list of journals is compiled, as a rule, by the expert councils of the organization specifically for each discipline and scientific direction. Scientometric indicators may be taken into account when compiling white lists, but they are not the primary criterion for the selection of journals. White lists can now become a reasonable addition to the ratings of bibliographic databases.

Stages of the Difficult Way (On the Computerization of Economic Research)

Yuri Evgenievich Polak

The paper is devoted to the transition of domestic economic science from the Marxist dogmas of the Soviet period to the widespread use of economic and mathematical modeling and computer technologies. The role of the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute in this process is emphasized. Founded in 1963, it became the leader of that period among the institutes of the Economics Department of the Academy of Sciences. Some works of CEMI in the field of infrastructure and information support of economic research are discussed. Information about some leading economists of past years is given.

Digital Platform for Supercomputer Mathematical Modeling of Spraying Processes

Nikita Igorevich Tarasov, Viktoriia Olegovna Podryga, Sergey Vladimirovich Polyakov, Alexey Valerievich Timakov

The work presents a digital platform for supercomputer modeling the problems of spraying the particles on substrates. The purpose of this work is to discuss the general architecture, technology stack and implementation features of the platform's user interface. The platform is based on web technologies for access and management of calculations, which allow implementing a user system for conducting a full cycle of a computational experiment, including the configuration of applied applications, their launch on remote computing resources, monitoring the completion of tasks, analysis and interactive visualization of results. User interaction with computing resources is implemented through the graphical interface that does not require the client computer to have any additional software, except actual version of a modern web browser. An important advantage of the platform is the ability to make large-scale computer research in a multi-user mode that is based on the natural principles of building client-server applications. The presented digital web platform was successfully tested on computing clusters of the KIAM RAS in solving a number of the topical mathematical problems of nanotechnology. Also, with its help, for the last 3 years, group training of MIPT students in modern information technologies has been carried out.