Настоящий тематический выпуск журнала «Электронные библиотеки» сформирован по материалам VI Всероссийской конференции «Информационные технологии для наук о Земле и цифровизация в геологии и горнодобывающей промышленности. ITES-2022», которая проходила во Владивостоке, в Дальневосточном федеральном университете 3–7 октября 2022 г.

Организаторы конференции: Отделение наук о Земле Российской академии наук (РАН), Академия горных наук, Государственный геологический музей (ГГМ) им. В.И. Вернадского РАН, Дальневосточный федеральный университет. Конференция проведена при финансовой поддержке Государственной программы стратегического академического лидерства «Приоритет-2030» и в рамках государственного задания ГГМ РАН по теме № 1021061009468-8-1.5.1 «Цифровая платформа интеграции и анализа геологических и музейных данных».

Доклады, представленные на конференции, описывают результаты последних лет в следующих областях: открытый доступ к научным данным и алгоритмам обработки в области наук о Земле; особенности данных (в том числе Big Data) в науках о Земле: новые концепции и методы, инструменты их сбора, интеграции и обработки в различных информационных системах, в том числе в системах с интенсивным использованием данных; цифровые пространства геологических знаний; информационно-вычислительные геологические компьютерные системы; платформы обработки геологических данных; интеллектуальный анализ данных, извлечение фактов и знаний из научных публикаций; тезаурусы, онтологии, концептуальное моделирование, семантический Веб, связанные данные, сервисы, семантическое структурирование контента, применение в науках о Земле; управление развитием территорий освоения природных ресурсов на основе технологий и данных дистанционного зондирования Земли; технологии виртуальной и дополненной реальностей для создания систем демонстрации и популяризации достижений в науках о Земле; цифровая трансформация в геологии и горнодобывающей промышленности и цифровые двойники и др. Участие в конференции приняли более чем 100 специалистов из институтов РАН и университетов РФ, из 15 городов РФ: Москвы, Санкт-Петербурга, Новосибирска, Томска, Иркутска, Красноярска, Магадана, Петропавловска-Камчатского, Южно-Сахалинска, Махачкалы, Тюмени, Апатитов, Волгограда, Кемерово, Владивостока и др. Доклады на научных сессиях прошли в двух режимах: очном и удаленном. Участники конференции заслушали и обсудили более 60 докладов.

Пленарная сессия конференции содержала доклады известных российских ученых, работающих в самых современных направлениях, связанных с информационными технологиями для наук о Земле.

В настоящем тематическом выпуске представлены избранные доклады участников конференции, представленные для публикации Программным комитетом.


В.В. Наумова, д. г.-м. н., г. н. с., зав. Научным отделом Государственного геологического музея им. В.И. Вернадского РАН, зам. Председателя Программного комитета конференции

Published: 14.11.2022

Digital Transformation of Hazardous Geological Processes Monitoring on the Example of the Baikal Natural Territory

Igor Vyacheslavovich Bychkov, Dmitriy Petrovich Gladkochub, Gennady Mikhailovich Ruzhnikov, Konstantin Zhanovich Seminskiy, Viacheslav Vladimirovich Paramonov, Sergey Vladimirovich Alekseev, Sergey Aleksandrovich Bornyakov, Anna Aleksandrovna Dobrynina, Artem Aleksandrovich Rybchenko, Aleksandr Matveevich Kononov, Alexsandr Valentinovich Pospeev, Sergey Vasilevich Rasskazov, Vladimir Anatolevich Sankov, Igor Konstantinovich Seminskiy

Baikal Natural Territory (BNT) is the territory that adjacent to Lake Baikal, which is a unique natural object and, in accordance with the UNESCO Convention, a "World Natural Heritage". Baikal is in the central part of the Baikal Rift Zone (BRZ) – the most active seismic zone located in the middle of Russia. The development of the BRZ leads to the emergence of dangerous geological processes that can lead to a violation of the balance in the Lake Baikal ecological system and the surrounding area. In addition, these processes and phenomena pose a real threat to the smooth functioning of mainline communications, hydroelectric power plants and strategically important industries in the region, which, according to the classification of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, belongs to the first category of danger. To ensure systematic monitoring and forecasting of the environmental situation of the BNT, systematic observations are organized, as well as obtaining and analysing information about the activity of hazardous geological processes in digital form. The digital transformation of monitoring of hazardous geological processes, resulting from the digitalization of processes and the development of appropriate infrastructure, provides the possibility of using new models and methods, more flexible approaches to the analysis of ongoing processes and the prediction of possible extreme events. In this paper, a digital platform is proposed that provides support for the digital transformation of the monitoring of hazardous geological processes using the example of BNT. The platform under consideration may be used for ecological monitoring of BNT area.

A Digital Platform for Integration and Analysis of Geophysical Monitoring Data from the Baikal Natural Zone

Andrey Pavlovich Grigoryuk, Lyudmila Petrovna Braginskaya, Igor Konstantinovich Seminskiy, Konstantin Zhanovich Seminskiy, Valeriy Viktorovich Kovalevskiy

This paper presents a digital platform for complex monitoring data of dangerous geodynamic, engineering-geological and hydrogeological processes occurring in the region of intensive nature management of the central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory (CEZ BNT). The platform is intended for integration and analysis of data coming from several polygons located within the CEZ BPT in order to assess the state of the geological environment and forecasting of hazardous processes manifestation.

The platform is built on a client-server architecture. Storage, processing and analysis of data is carried out on the server, which users can access via the Internet using a web browser. Several data filtering methods (linear frequency, Savitsky-Goley and others), various methods of spectral and wavelet analysis, multifractal and entropy analysis, and spatial data analysis are currently available. The digital platform has been tested on real data.

Design for the Further Development of the Popular Science Portal "History of the Earth: Geological Perspective"

Aleksandr Sergeevich Eremenko, Daria Evgenievna Leshchikova, Lyudmila Sergeevna Romanenkova

This paper discusses analysis of the current state of the popular scientific Portal “History of the Earth: geological perspective”, the prospects for its development and options overview for its further development. The direction of further development of this resource will be the transformation of the structure of information presentation and navigation on the basis of modern requirements for web resources.

Creating a Data Processing Ecosystem for Geological Research

Vitaliy Sergeevich Eremenko, Vera Viktorovna Naumova

This paper discusses heterogeneous geographically distributed computing systems for processing geological data and approaches to organizing interaction with these systems. The systems are classified by the authors into a number of groups based on the main functional capabilities and technological solutions. A description of the main properties for each type of systems is given, including possible ways for interaction.

An approach is proposed for organizing a single workspace with access to heterogeneous geographically distributed computing systems within the ecosystem developed by the authors. The architecture of the proposed solution and the rules of interaction for its participants are described. A software prototype is demonstrated that implements the described principles on the example of several heterogeneous systems for processing geological information.

The Use of Information Technologies and Modern Means of Digitalization in the Organization and Conduct of VI All-Russian Conference “Information Technologies for Earth Sciences and Digitalization in Geology and Mining Industry. ITES-2022”

Vera Viktorovna Naumova, Vitaliy Sergeevich Eremenko, Alexander Sergeevich Eremenko

The article describes the use of information technologies and modern means of digitalization in organizing and holding a Conference on IT in Earth Sciences. Modern aspects of visualization are also described in the reports of the Conference participants.

Contemporary Crustal Movement at the Southern Edge of Central Sikhote-Alin Fault According to GNSS-Observations

Alina Albertovna Salakhutdinova, Nikolai Vladimirovich Shestakov, Evgeniy Andreevich Lyalyushko, Nikolai Anatolievich Gagarsky

The Central Sikhote-Alin Fault (CSAF) is one of the largest tectonic structures in the continental part of the south of the Russian Far East. Its modern geodynamic activity is still very poorly understood, especially by remote sensing methods. The available geological estimates of movements along the CSAR reach several mm/year, however, the available scattered modern geodetic data allow us to state that no displacements exceeding a few mm/year have been detected in the central part of the fault.

In the present work, based on the data of GNSS observations carried out in the first two decades of the 21st century, the first quantitative estimates of the secular (plate) movements of the Earth's crust in the vicinity of the village of Kievka (Primorsky Krai), located at the southern end of the CSAR, are obtained. Also, in the study area, numerical modeling of the effect of geoenvironment disturbances (co- and postseismic displacements) initiated by the catastrophic Tohoku earthquake on March 11, 2011, Mw 9.1, was evaluated and performed. The results obtained are in good agreement with the available models of the earthquake source and models of postseismic viscoelastic relaxation of the geoenvironment.

Temperature Distribution at the Border Astenosphere–Lithosphere (Mathematical Model)

Alexander Naumovich Chetyrbotsky

The convection of matter in the Earth's upper mantle is considered, which in the Oberbeck–Boussinesq approximation is due to thermogravitational differentiation. Within the framework of this approximation, a 2-D numerical simulation of convective flows of the medium matter was performed. The equation for temperature follows from the entropy balance relation, where, due to taking into account the variable viscosity in the system, there is an effect of energy dissipation. The boundary conditions correspond to the assignment of the temperature generally accepted at the boundary of the upper and lower mantles, and for the lateral boundaries - their thermal insulation. At the asthenosphere–lithosphere boundary, assumptions were made that the heat dynamics is determined by its flow from the asthenosphere layer closest to the boundary, part of the heat dissipation along the boundary, and heat consumption for melting the lithosphere matter. Numerical solution of the constitutive equations is carried out in variables stream function - vorticity. An iterative scheme for their solution is given. The issues of software implementation of the numerical simulation apparatus are discussed. It is shown that under such boundary conditions, a quasi-periodic regime of heat oscillations is formed in the system under consideration.