Настоящий тематический выпуск журнала «Электронные библиотеки» состоит из двух частей и включает статьи, подготовленные их авторами на основе материалов, представленных в 2020 году на XXII Всероссийской научной конфе-ренции «Научный сервис в сети Интернет». Эта конференция была проведена с 21 по 25 сентября 2020 года и традиционно была посвящена направлениям и тенденциям использования интернет-технологий в современных научных исследованиях. Основная цель конференции — предоставить возможность для обсуждения, апробации и обмена мнениями о наиболее значимых результатах, полученных ведущими российскими учеными за последнее время в данной области деятельности. Организатором конференции был Институт прикладной математики им. М.В. Келдыша Российской академии наук. В связи со сложившейся эпидемической обстановкой конференция была проведена в режиме онлайн.

Первая часть тематического выпуска размещена в №1 журнала «Электронные библиотеки» за 2021 год, вторая часть – в №2.

Published: 22.03.2021

Ontological Approach to the Description of a Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge

Olga Muratovna Ataeva, Nikolay Evgenevich Kalenov, Vladimir Alekseevich Serebriakov

Despite the development of technical means, the processes associated with the search for complete and accurate scientific information in a huge number of data sources are becoming more complicated. To reach a new level in the use of information processing technologies, first of all, a transition to a semantically meaningful representation is necessary for scientific knowledge extracted from information in a digital environment. In modern conditions, characterized by multidisciplinary research, the desired effect can be achieved by developing universal approaches to the storage and presentation of scientific knowledge. These approaches are reflected in the concept of the Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge. The paper presents an overview of the basic concepts in this area, which are used both to represent the elements of space and to provide access to them not only for humans, but also for software agents. Semantic libraries are considered as tools for constructing the knowledge space.

Suggestions for Developing Tools to Improve the Effectiveness of Management in the Context of Epidemics

Victor Ivanovich Baluta , Vladimir Petrovich Osipov, Tatiana Vladimirovna Sivakova

The article is devoted to the consideration of methods for modeling epidemics in relation to COVID-19 and substantiation of ways to improve the efficiency of management decisions, taking into account the predicted consequences. The paper provides an overview of modeling methods for predicting and assessing the consequences of the epidemiological situation. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the use of decision support tools for the operational assessment of the situation and forecast of its development. For the task at hand, it is proposed to use a multi-agent approach to simulation.

Computational Load Balancing Method for Hybrid Computing Systems

Tat'yana Petrovna Baranova, Alexander Borisovich Bugerya, Kirill Nikolaevich Efimkin

The paper considers the issues of the computations distributing within one node of a hybrid computing system for applied programs with computation-intense operations. A method is proposed for static distribution of computations, as well as a method for automatic balancing of the computational load during program execution, which is based on periodic analyzing the CPU load by the executed program and making decision to redistribute computational load if necessary. The proposed methods are implemented in an applied program that solves a gas dynamic problem using the computing resources of the multicore central processor and graphics accelerators. The results of program execution with various data distributions were obtained and analyzed, both with and without the mechanism for automatic balancing of the computational load.

Seasonal and Decadal Variability of Atmosphere Pressure in Arctic, its Statistical and Temporal Analysis

Konstantin Pavlovich Belyaev, Gury Mickailovich Mickailov, Alexey Nikolaevich Salnikov, Natalia Pavlovna Tuchkova

The paper analyzes the statistical and temporal seasonal and decadal variability of the atmospheric pressure field in the Arctic region of Russia. Schemes for the frequency analysis of probability transitions for characteristics of stochastic-diffusion processes were used as the main research method. On the basis of the given series of 60 years long from 1948 to 2008, such parameters of diffusion processes as the mean (drift process) and variance (diffusion process) were calculated and their maps and time curves were constructed. The seasonal and long-term variability of calculated fields was studied as well as their dependencies on a discretization of the frequency intervals. These characteristics were analyzed and their geophysical interpretation was carried out. In particular, the known cycles of solar activity in 11 and 22 years were revealed. Numerical calculations were performed on the Lomonosov-2 supercomputer of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Russian Scientific Publication for the Covid-19 Period

Mikhail Mikhailovich Gorbunov-Posadov

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world of scientific publications: rapid publication and simplified access for articles about the virus, open access for a time of self-isolation in the world, and in Russia. There is an impressive difference between the number of readers for Russian scientific articles in open access and in paid access. The policy of journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Impressive growth in readership of CyberLeninka. Online meeting of the dissertation council. eLibrary news. Comprehensive publication activity score from the Ministry of education and science.

Some Bibliographic References Tools

Alexey Viktorovich Ermakov

The rapid quantitative growth of scientific publications has pushed the development of various Internet tools for finding the necessary information. Statistics on its study and use (citation) are no less important than the search for the necessary information. This article discusses the citation support tools provided by Google Academy, Crossref, and other developers. In the Russian Federation, NEICON (a national consortium of Russian educational, scientific, and cultural organizations) provides technical and methodological support for working with DOI and other Crossref services. The article shows how the considered tools are built into the user interfaces of the IPM electronic library. Additional features provided by the specified tools are considered.

Technology for Filling Subject Ontologies of the Scientific Knowledge Space

Nikolay Evgenievich Kalenov

Subject ontology in the context of this article is understood as a set of key concepts related to a certain field of science, with their semantic connections, supplemented by indexes of various classification systems describing this scientific field. Subject ontologies are a necessary component of each subspace that is part of the Unified digital space of scientific knowledge (DSSK). This article presents the results of research related to the construction of subject ontologies based on the created automated system for supporting terminological dictionaries and suggests a methodology for identifying new key terms in a particular field of science. The proposed methodology is based on the use of existing classification systems in conjunction with citation databases, such as Web of Science and Scopus for English–language publications and the Russian citation index for Russian-language publications. The methodology involves dividing the scientific field into a number of sections in accordance with the selected classification system, extracting from the CSB the core of articles related to each section, and from the articles - new author's keywords, which should constitute, in combination with the corresponding sections of classification systems, the basis of the subject ontologies of this scientific field.

Varieties of Video Lectures

Felix Osvaldovich Kasparinsky

The article is devoted to the typology of the main variants of video lectures (https://vimeo.com/showcase/6184718), which differ in didactic value and laboriousness of creation. For each option of video lectures, the key conditions for effective formation and use are determined. Particular attention is paid to the optimization of hardware for the creation of various options for video lectures in full-time and distance learning.

As a basic option, a video recording of a PowerPoint presentation with speech and graphic comments on the slides is considered. The screen (electronic board) videorecording on the left with the lecturer in profile, named ad standard profile version, is recommended for use when there is a shortage of space in the classroom. In the presence of a video camera with optics that ensure the preservation of the detail of images of visual materials, the preferred option for video lecture is a standard frontal one, filmed from the far end of the audience. Didactically optimized editing of video lectures allows you to combine high-quality recording of visual materials of the basic version with mediocre video recordings of the teacher's actions.

Integrative versions of video lectures are created by overlaying the video recording of the teacher's actions over a specially designated invariant place in the design of the slides of the basic version of the video lecture. The options for adapting the design of PowerPoint presentations to form a basic and integrative version of video lectures are proposed. The highest ratio of "didactic quality / labor costs" is achieved when creating integrative video lectures directly in the process of face-to-face and distance teaching.

Interaction with the User in the SAPFOR System

Nikita Andreevich Kataev

Automation of parallel programming is important at any stage of parallel program development. These stages include profiling of the original program, program transformation, which allows us to achieve higher performance after program parallelization, and, finally, construction and optimization of the parallel program. It is also important to choose a suitable parallel programming model to express parallelism available in a program. On the one hand, the parallel programming model should be capable to map the parallel program to a variety of existing hardware resources. On the other hand, it should simplify the development of the assistant tools and it should allow the user to explore the parallel program the assistant tools generate in a semi-automatic way. The SAPFOR (System FOR Automated Parallelization) system combines various approaches to automation of parallel programming. Moreover, it allows the user to guide the parallelization if necessary. SAPFOR produces parallel programs according to the high-level DVMH parallel programming model which simplify the development of efficient parallel programs for heterogeneous computing clusters. This paper focuses on the approach to semi-automatic parallel programming, which SAPFOR implements. We discuss the architecture of the system and present the interactive subsystem which is useful to guide the SAPFOR through program parallelization. We used the interactive subsystem to parallelize programs from the NAS Parallel Benchmarks in a semi-automatic way. Finally, we compare the performance of manually written parallel programs with programs the SAPFOR system builds.

On Some Properties of Collaboration Graphs of Scientists in Math-Net.Ru

Andrey Anatolievich Pechnikov , Dmitry Evgen'evich Chebukov

A study of two graphs of scientific cooperation based on co-authorship and citation according to the all-Russian mathematical portal was conducted Math-Net.Ru. A citation-based scientific collaboration graph is a directed graph without loops and multiple edges, whose vertices are the authors of publications, and arcs connect them when there is at least one publication of the first author that cites the publication of the second author. A co-authorship graph is an undirected graph in which the vertices are the authors, and the edges record the co-authorship of two authors in at least one article. The customary study of the main characteristics of both graphs is carried out: diameter and average distance, connectivity components and clustering. In both graphs, we observe a similar connectivity structure – the presence of a giant component and a large number of small components. The similarity and difference of scientific cooperation through co-authorship and citation is noted.