Method for Expert Search using Scientometric System Data
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The use of modern methods of thematic analysis for the analytical processing of information is currently used in almost all areas of human activity, including scientometrics. Many scientometric and citation systems, including the world famous WoS, Scopus, Google Shcolar, develop thematic categories for searching and processing information. Most important tasks that can be solved using thematic classification methods are: assessment of the dynamics of the development of thematic areas in the organization, country and in world science; search for articles on a given topic; search and assessment of the authority of experts; search for journal for publication and other relevant tasks. The Lomonosov Moscow State University is currently developing and using the system ISTINA. In this project, algorithms have been created that solve some of the problems listed. Scientific research is underway to create new effective mathematical models and algorithms in this area.
Article Details
2. Группа «Герои и эксперты для СМИ». URL:
3. Биржа копирайтинга. URL:
4. Биржа копирайтинга Адвего. URL:
5. Биржа контента eTXT. URL:
6. Поисковая система Search Engine to Find Experts from Universities. URL:
7. Поисковая система CiteSerX. URL:
8. Поисковая система Semantic Scholar. URL:
9. Поисковая система ScienceDirect. URL:
10. Издательство Шпрингер. URL:
11. Поисковая система издательства IEEE. URL:
12. Поисковая система Digital Library. URL:
13. Система цитирования Google Scolar. URL:
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