Research of the Contexts of the Ecosystem of "Digital Tourism"

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Modern information and communication technologies, elements of digitalization are constantly and rapidly developing, which, in turn, has a direct impact on all spheres of human activity. In the light of recent events related to the collapse of the tourism business due to COVID-19, there is a great scientific interest in the service sector, namely in the field of "digital tourism". Digital tourism relies on the widespread adoption of new technologies such as social media and mobile technologies, smart devices and sensors to collect and use massive amounts of data to create new value propositions. In this regard, the authors set a goal – to present a review of the literature on "digital tourism" from the standpoint of scientific and media discourse. The authors present a comprehensive scientific approach, including the sequential implementation of all stages of the review, from the definition of the terminological core of the interdisciplinary direction, the formation of search queries, cascade search, selection and content analysis of materials to the identification and explication of contexts. The sources of information for preparing the review were publications from academic databases: Web of Science, Science-Direct, Scopus, GoogleScholar, eLibrary, Cyberleninka, as well as materials and publications in Russian-language media – Integrum.

The results obtained by the authors will be useful for scientists in identifying promising areas of research in the field of "digital tourism", as well as deepen their knowledge of mechanisms for searching, collecting and analyzing data and integrated and analytical environments.

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