Synchronization of player and virtual avatar movements

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Павел Дмитриевич Гришков
Влада Владимировна Кугуракова


The paper presents mathematical approaches for implementing methods for synchronizing human actions and virtual avatar movements, using inverse kinematics. To create a complete system for synchronizing the player's behavior and VR-avatar, the implementation of the necessary functionality is described: hand positioning, calibration of their size, bending of hands into anatomically acceptable sides, anatomical flexion of the spine, squatting and moving in space. The implementation of tilt and squat significantly extends the functionality of synchronization of the player's behavior and avatar, which allows creating a complete set of visual sensations of the user in a virtual environment, which is deprived of most of the applications of virtual reality at the moment.

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Author Biographies

Павел Дмитриевич Гришков

Bachelor of Higher School ITIS. Sphere of interests: Unreal Engine development.

Влада Владимировна Кугуракова

Senior Lecturer of Higher School of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems, Head of Laboratory «SIM». Sphere of interests: game development, immersivity of virtual environment, narrative identity. 


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