Controller of realistic behavior stay and stage of animals
Main Article Content
The work is aimed at considering the process of modeling a realistic controller of the behavior of groups of objects. The main techniques and principles used to create a realistic controller of the behavior of autonomous agents, united in related groups, are investigated. Based on this data, a behavior controller has been created.
The following works were performed: on the calculation of the effectiveness of the behavior of groups of autonomous agents; on the possibility of using a system of local scalar fields with the aim of constructing the most accurate mathematical model; on the analysis of the possibility of creating a hierarchical system of multi-agent subgroups within the group, with the aim of realizing the movement of these same groups, as an integral part; to use a structured approach to create an efficient controller architecture; on conducting practical experiments to evaluate the correctness of the data obtained.
To achieve the goals set, the computational methods of optimization theory, mathematical statistics, and analytical methods of the mathematical modeling apparatus are involved.
Article Details
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