Development of simulational software of destruction by the floods with multifactors

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Ляйсан Зиннуровна Римова
Влада Владимировна Кугуракова
Ринат Султанович Якушев


Floods were and are continuing to be a great threat to human properties, farms, agriculture, and households. To reduce the flood-related damage, we have to be able to reliably predict the flood dynamics, and the best way to do this is a computer simulation. Such simulational software must take into consideration many factors, such as the landscape qualities, human infrastructure, protective buildings, and more. In this paper, we try to systematize all those factors and create the software that will adhere to those requirements.

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Author Biographies

Ляйсан Зиннуровна Римова

Bachalor, graduate in 2016 of Higher School of Information Technology and Information Systems of Kazan Federal University.

Влада Владимировна Кугуракова

Senior Lecturer of Higher School of Information Technology and Information Systems of Kazan Federal University, Head of Laboratory “Virtual and simulational technologies in biomedicine”.

Ринат Султанович Якушев

Associate professor of Department of Theoretical Mechanics of Kazan Federal University.


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