Software for forest fire simulation with respect to weather and environmental conditions

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Арслан Альфирович Гиниятов
Влада Владимировна Кугуракова
Ринат Султанович Якушев


Prediction of forest fire dynamics is no easy task, requiring thoughtful examination of many factors involved, such as landscape, vegetation, climate and weather conditions, humidity, urbanization of land, and many others. One of the best approaches to this problem is a computer simulation. In this paper, we describe the thought process and the development of a forest fire simulator that means to address all of those difficulties.

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Author Biographies

Арслан Альфирович Гиниятов

Bachalor, graduate in 2016 of Higher School of Information Technology and Information Systems of Kazan Federal University.

Влада Владимировна Кугуракова

Senior Lecturer of Higher School of Information Technology and Information Systems of Kazan Federal University, Head of Laboratory “Virtual and simulational technologies in biomedicine”.

Ринат Султанович Якушев

Associate professor of Department of Theoretical Mechanics of Kazan Federal University.


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