Published: 26.10.2016

The role of electronic environment of academic knowledge to improve competitiveness educational services

Евгений Николаевич Бабин

Author have specified contradictions and tendencies of informatization for the higher school. On the basis for the overview of a number of researches in the field of problems for the electronic scientific and educational environment of higher education institution and a detailed statement of electronic services of the Kazan national research technical university need of forming of open model of the academic knowledge of higher education institution is proved. In article the purpose and functions of open model of the academic knowledge, mainly – for life-long education and interaction with a business environment are stated. In particular, the virtual centers of competences as the instrument of management of educational and scientific activities, joint with a business environment, for strengthening of competitiveness of educational service are offered.

Technology trends handling of big data and tools storage of multiformat data and analytics

Марат Рамилевич Биктимиров, Александр Михайлович Елизаров, Андрей Юрьевич Щербаков
Abstract: This article analyzes the development trends of processing Big Data tools and multi-format data storage and analysis. This analysis was carried out as part of our program of basic research of the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences “Algebraic and Combinatorial Methods of Mathematical Cybernetics and information systems of the new generation", as well as RFBR grant number 14-07-00783 “Way to store and process a large volume of scientific and reference data modern hardware platforms”.

Digital infrastructure of electronic scientific journal: automation of editorial and publishing process and system of services

Миляуша Салахутдиновна Галявиева, Александр Михайлович Елизаров, Евгений Константинович Липачёв

We investigated the current models of the publication and dissemination of scientific knowledge. We describe the modern information management system of scientific publications and services that determine their functionality.

We discuss the concept of the digital infrastructure of the electronic scientific journal. Under this infrastructure, we understand the complex that combines management software platform of electronic journal and a number of specialized information systems. The software platform realizes the basic operating log management processes. Information systems provide the operation of additional services, taking into account the specifics of the journal subject area.

We present an approach to the organization of the digital infrastructure of the scientific journal based on an open platform Open Journal Systems (OJS). We provide software services that extend the functionality of this platform and considering specificity of the subject area of scientific journals. We have created software modules for automating of electronic scientific journal workflow. These modules are an extension of OJS.

We present a system of services for the automated processing of collections of scientific documents. These services provide verification of document compliance to the accepted rules of formation of collections and their conversion to the established formats; structural analysis of documents and extraction of metadata, as well as their integration into the scientific information space. The system allows to automatically performing a set of operations that cannot be realized for acceptable time with the traditional manual processing of electronic content. It is designed for the large collections of scientific documents.

Algorithms style validation of texts at the article registration stage in the information system of electronic scientific journal, the selection of reviewers, alert and control the timing of reviewing were automated. Information gathering algorithm with dedicated news lines of scientific journals, further analysis and distribution of news by categories and degrees of importance were developed. The algorithm automatically extract bibliographic data from a homogeneous array of publications (in particular, the issues of the scientific journal) and the formation of metadata blocks for export to international information and analytical system were created. Methods integration of OJS platform and international databases of science citation were developed.

We present methods of processing documents containing mathematical formulas: in the collections of documents that contain mathematical formulas, algorithm for the search formulas is developed; basic ideas, approaches and results already obtained by the mathematical knowledge management based on ontology are presented; a method of constructing recommender systems based on mathematical knowledge ontologies described. The method of primary processing automated of scientific article using TеX-notation developed.

The new direction of researches of scientific communications in the environment of Web 2.0 – altmetrics – is considered. We have analyzed the content of the notion «altmetrics», we conducted a comparison of traditional (bibliometric and scientometric) and alternative indicators. We describe the use of world experience informetric services on scientific journals sites. We discussed options for implementing these approaches to create an electronic scientific journal management platform. 

Informational educational environment of Medical University

Денис Сергеевич Зуев
Abstract: An approach of organizing of the informational educational environment of higher educational institute is presented. Approach takes into consideration new Russian federal educational standards. Some practical implementation of all ideas is described in the paper.