Published: 04.11.2015
Full Issue
Application of thinking model in intellectual question-answer systems
We described an evolution of thinking model in application with building intellectual question-answer system for automation processing user requests in natural language, starting with simple decision trees and finished with human thinking model. Every model has been developed, prototyped and tested. Experimental data and conclusions for every model provided.
artificial intelligence, machine learning, system analysis, machine thinking, natural language processing, decision trees.
Calculated emotions model in intelelctual software systems
We have studied emotions in various aspects: philosophical, psychological and neurophysiological; taking them into account cognitive architecture has been described. Based on Lovheim “Emotion Cube”, “Wheel of emotions” by Plutchik, Tomkins “Theory of affects” and Marvin Minsky thinking model we describe usage of emotions as influence factors for computing processes. Also indicated the possibility of using emotions in intelligent question-answer systems.
artificial intelligence, virtual assistant, social agent, emotions, thinking models, calculated emotions.
The issue of correct terminology usage in computer reconstructions
In this paper we analyze the problem of correlation and interaction of two frequently used terms. We compare and describe their meanings. We thoroughly study their history and usage, and generalize cases in which one of those terms will be appropriate to use.
visualization, computer reconstruction, visual model, virtual world.
Anthropomorphic artificial social agent with simulated emotions and its implementation
In this paper we describe an emotional human-machine interface as an anthropomorphic social agent which is able to comprehend emotions and react to emotional stimuli. We propose a neurobiologically inspired agent implementation that is based on mechanics of chemical and physiological processes within human brain. Implementation of model features simulation of neuromodulators such as dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline. Demonstration of emotions is achieved via combining aforementioned neuromodulators in different proportions. The Lȍvheim cube of emotions is used for this purpose. We also cover the topic of "uncanny valley" phenomenon. In conclusion of this paper we reached understanding of connection between mimics and motivation of individual. We have constructed realistic computation model which allows us to visualize agent's mimics in sync with his speech.
intelligent agents, visualization, emotional artificial intelligence, neuromodulators, visual speech synthesis, expressive and controllable speech synthesis.
Archeological objects of Bolgar X–XV as content for creation virtual historical reconstruction
In this paper we decibel the general algorithm and classify the common steps of creating authentic historical and cultural reconstructions. Using «Bolgar XIV» as an example, we reviewed the main stages of reconstruction, including three-dimensional modeling of architecture, household items and citizens of ancient city. As a result, we made some valuable conclusions about the general track of creating virtual reconstructions and described technologies that can be used for it, such as procedural generation of terrain.
procedural generation, Bolgar, content generation, virtual reconstruction, historical heritage, level design.