Editors M.M. Gorbunov-Posadov, A.M. Elizarov.

Published: 16.03.2023

Modeling an Adaptive Interface using Semantic Ontology Relations

Olga Muratovna Ataeva, Vladimir Alekseevich Serebriakov, Natalia Pavlovna Tuchkova

The work is devoted to the problem of customizing the user interfaces of an information system that integrates data. An adaptive interface serves as one of the means of organizing the presentation of subject domain data. The issue of using the semantic relations of ontology to select data corresponding to the objectives of the study is investigated. A model of an adaptive interface is considered, which allows the most accurate reflection of the needs of a researcher within a particular subject domain. It is shown how the adaptive interface is formed by means of the semantic library model.

Using FSM-Based Strategies for Deriving Tests with Guaranteed Fault Coverage for Input/Output Automata

Igor Borisovich Burdonov, Nina Vladimirovna Yevtushenko, Alexander Sergeevich Kossachev

In this paper, we study the possibility of using Finite State Machine (FSM-) based methods for deriving finite test suites with guaranteed fault coverage for Input / Output automata. A method for deriving an FSM for a given automaton is proposed and it is shown that finite test suites derived for such an FSM are complete for two fault models based on Input/Output automata if they are applied within the framework of proper timeouts.

Analysis of the Distribution of Key Terms in Scientific Articles

Svetlana Aleksandrovna Vlasova, Nikolay Evgenievich Kalenov, Irina Nikolaevna Sobolevskaya

One of the Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge (CDSSK) main components are the subject ontologies of individual thematic subspaces, which include the basic concepts related to this scientific area. The constructing subject ontologies task at the initial phase requires the array of key terms formation in a given scientific are with the subsequent establishment of links between them. A similar task is in the encyclopedias formation in terms of the articles (slots) list generating that determines their content. One of the sources for the formation of the key terms array can be the metadata of articles published in the leading scientific journals. Namely, the author's key terms ("keywords" in the terminology of the journals editors) quoted by the article. To make a conclusion about the possibility of using this approach to the subject ontologies formation, it is necessary to conduct the author's key terms array preanalysis, both in terms of real correspondence to the main areas of research in this science branch and in terms of the distribution of the certain terms occurrence frequency. This article presents the results of the occurrence frequency analysis of the author's key terms in Russian and English, carried out on the software processing basis of several thousand articles from leading Russian journals in mathematics, computer science and physics, reflected in the MathNet database. An assessment was made of the distribution of key terms correspondence (as phrases) and individual words to the Bradford's law, and the key terms cores within the thematic direction were identified.

How Entity Name Embedings Affect the Quality of Entity Alignment

Daniil Ivanovic Gusev, Zinaida Vladimirovna Apanovich

Cross-lingual entity alignment algorithms are designed to look for identical real-world objects in multilingual knowledge graphs. This problem occurs, for example, when searching for drugs manufactured in different countries under different names, or when searching for imported equipment. At the moment, there are several open-source libraries that collect implementations of entity alignment algorithms as well as test data sets for various languages. This paper describes experiments with several popular entity alignment algorithms applied to a Russian-English dataset. In addition to translating entity names from Russian to English, experiments on combining the various generators of entity name embeddings with the various generators of relational information embeddings have been conducted. In order to obtain more detailed information about the results of the EA approaches, an assessment by entity types, the number of relationships and attributes have been made. These experiments allowed us to significantly improve the accuracy of several EA algorithms on the English-Russian dataset.

Unified Representation of the Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge Ontology

Nikolay Evgenievich Kalenov, Alexander Nikolaevch Sotnikov

The Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge (CDSSK) is a digital information environment aggregating heterogeneous information related to various aspects of scientific knowledge. One of the important functions of the CDSSK is to provide information for solving artificial intelligence problems, which makes it necessary to support data in a structure that complies with the rules of the semantic WEB. The features of the CDSSK are, on the one hand, the polythematics and heterogeneity of content elements, on the other hand, the high dynamics of the emergence of new types of objects and connections between them, which is due to the specifics of the development of science. At the same time, it should be possible to navigate through heterogeneous space resources using semantic links between them. The possibilities of the CDSSK are largely determined by the structure of the ontology of space, the model of which is proposed in this paper. Within the framework of the model, the hierarchical structuring of the CDSSK ontology is carried out; such elements as "subspace", "class of objects", "object", "attributes of an object", three types of pairwise relations of objects or attributes (universal, quasi-universal and specific) are distinguished and defined. The structure of each elements type is determined by a "reference book" of a unified type; specific values of attributes and relationships are contained in dictionaries of a unified structure. A class of "Formats" objects describing the rules for the formation of attributes and values of relationships is allocated. The formalization of CDSSK reference books and dictionaries representations is proposed. The proposed model allows you to simply add new types of objects, of their pairwise relationships and attributes to the space, as needed.

Experience of TLS 1.3 Clients Verification

Aleksey Vyacheslavovich Nikeshin, Victor Zinovievich Shnitman

This paper presents the experience of verifying client implementations of the TLS cryptographic protocol version 1.3. TLS is a widely used cryptographic protocol today, designed to create secure data transmission channels. The protocol provides the necessary functionality for its tasks: confidentiality of transmitted data, data integrity, and authentication of the parties. In the new version 1.3 of the TLS architecture was significantly redesigned, eliminating a number of shortcomings of previous versions that were identified both during the development of implementations and during their operation. We used a new test suite for verifying client implementations of the TLS 1.3 for compliance with Internet specifications, developed on the basis of the RFC8446, using UniTESK technology and mutation testing methods. To test implementations for compliance with formal specifications, UniTESK technology is used, which provides testing automation tools based on the use of finite state machines. The states of the system under test define the states of the state machine, and the test effects are the transitions of this machine. When performing a transition, the specified impact is passed to the implementation under test, after which the implementation's reactions are recorded and a verdict is automatically made on the compliance of the observed behavior with the specification. Mutational testing methods are used to detect non-standard behavior of the system under test by transmitting incorrect data. Some changes are made to the protocol exchange flow created in accordance with the specification: either the values of the message fields formed on the basis of the developed protocol model are changed, or the order of messages in the exchange flow is changed. The protocol model allows one to make changes to the data flow at any stage of the network exchange, which allows the test scenario to pass through all the significant states of the protocol and in each such state to test the implementation in accordance with the specified program. The presented approach has proven effective in several of our projects when testing network protocols, providing detection of various deviations from the specification and other errors. The current work is part of the TLS 1.3 protocol verification project and covers TLS client implementations.

Statistical Analysis of Observation Data of Air-Sea Interaction in the North Atlantic

Natalia Pavlovna Tuchkova, Konstantin Pavlovich Belyaev, Gury Mickailovich Mickailov

The observational data for 1979-2018 in the North Atlantic region are analyzed. These data were obtained as a result of the implementation of the project of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the study of the atmosphere in the North Atlantic (RAS-NAAD). The dataset provides many surface and free atmosphere parameters based on the sigma model and meets the many requirements of meteorologists, climatologists and oceanographers working in both research and operational fields. The paper analyzes the seasonal and long-term variability of the field of heat fluxes and water surface temperature in the North Atlantic. Schemes for analyzing diffusion processes were used as the main research method. Based on the given series of 40 years in length from 1979 to 2018, such parameters of diffusion processes as the mean (process drift) and variance (process diffusion) were calculated and their maps and time curves were constructed. Numerical calculations realized on the Lomonosov-2 supercomputer of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.