Настоящий тематический выпуск журнала «Электронные библиотеки» содержит новые научные результаты, полученные сотрудниками и студентами Учебно-практической лаборатории визуализации и разработки игр (Digital Media Lab – DML) Института информационных технологий и интеллектуальных систем Казанского (Приволжского) федерального университета в рамках Программы стратегического академического лидерства «ПРИОРИТЕТ-2030». В проведенных исследованиях разработаны способы ускорения процесса скиннинга при создании анимаций с использованием различных процедурных методов, представлен подход к разработке в виртуальной реальности тренажёров хирургических операций, предложено технологическое решение для обеспечения более качественного соединения между пользователями и сервером для многопользовательских видеоигр, развиты наиболее удачные методологии разработки видеоигр, а также предложен подход к созданию наиболее качественного и нативного управления удалённым роботизированным устройством.

Сфера применения названных результатов – виртуальная и дополненная реальности в образовательном процессе и разработке видеоигр; компьютерная графика и анимации; дизайн и разработка видеоигровых проектов, в том числе для большого числа одновременных пользователей; телеуправление роботизированным устройством посредством нативного манипулирования двумя и более конечностями при помощи систем виртуальной реальности. Проводимые исследования расширяются и находят все новые приложения.

Published: 12.12.2022

Procedural Methods for Skinning Humanoid Characters

Rim Radikovich Gazizov, Aleksey Vitalevich Shubin

The procedure for setting vertex weights is a very time consuming and difficult task for any 3D model artist. Therefore, the use of procedural methods to facilitate this procedure is very important.

This article analyzes various skinning techniques and identifies their advantages and disadvantages. The most frequent variants of skinning defects that arise when using standard approaches are described. The analysis of tools for skinning in the Maya 3D modeling environment has been carried out. Methods for solving some of the existing problems are proposed, but do not imply a procedural solution. Also, on the basis of neural networks, an idea of their own solution was proposed as an additional tool for the Maya program. This tool will overcome most of the disadvantages of other methods and speed up the skinning process of the model.

VR-Telecontrol of Multi-Arm Devices: Problems, Hypotheses, Problem Statement

Vlada Vladimirovna Kugurakova, Igor Dmitrievich Sergunin , Evgeniy Yurevich Zykov, Oleg Dmitrievich Sergunin, Alexey Valerievich Ulanov, Dinara Rustamovna Gabdullina, Artem Shamilevich Gilemyanov

The article discusses various solutions that exist in the field of remote control of robotic devices equipped with manipulators. New approaches are presented for organizing joint telecontrol of multiple manipulators using various user inputs. The following usage scenarios are considered: the architecture of a system with many manipulators and user control interfaces, including such promising areas as deep machine learning and neural interfaces.

Comparison of Client-Server Solutions in the Development of Massively Multiplayer Online Games on Unity

Ilnur Radikovich Mukhametkhanov, Murad Rustemovich Khafizov, Aleksey Vitalevich Shubin

This paper presents a critique of the traditional approach used to create a multiplayer game in the Unity real-time interactive application development system, especially in the case of a large number of concurrent users. As a hypothesis, an alternative option, which is not common, but which solves many of the problems of the previous approach, is proposed. Two client-server solutions have been compared for developing multiplayer online games in Unity, and the advantages of both approaches have been described for different cases. A game development architecture using a more up-to-date method is proposed: instead of the Mirror library, a standard toolkit for Unity development, microservices written in Golang are used. We present solid proofs of the preference of the alternative approach, the main advantage of which is the support of modern architecture providing high-speed communication between microservices, supported tests on messaging on different platforms.

The test results confirm the hypothesis put forth, and we can conclude that the Unity bundle with Golang is more effective for multiplayer video games.

The article also contains basic methods for debugging multi-threaded application in Golang bundled with Unity game development system and suggests a technological method that allows to get a fast way of data transfer between the client and the server.

Approaches to the Development of Virtual Surgical Training

Regina Airatovna Sharaeva, Vlada Vladimirovna Kugurakova, Railina Rafaelevna Galieva, Sergey Viktorovich Zinchenko

The advantages of simulation training in clinical skills training are shown. Examples of simulators for building an optimal development process are reviewed. A way of transferring invasive surgery practices to the virtual operating room is presented.

As a logical development of functionality, approaches are presented that will be able to emulate all the practices that take place during real operations, including multiplayer mode, variability in surgery scenarios, achieving mastery of manual techniques, and the need to introduce incidents that initiate psychological burnout of future surgeons and a conscious choice of specialization.

The Concept of Automatic Creation Tool for Computer Game Scenario Prototype

Aleksey Vitalevich Shubin, Gulnara Faritovna Sahibgareeva, Vlada Vladimirovna Kugurakova

The experience of game studios shows that classical methodologies of software development are poorly implemented in video game development because of the interactive component of this area, related to the correct creation of feedback between the game and the user. In addition, video game development involves a large number of developers from different areas, whose activities must be coordinated in the project.

Despite these differences, video games, like any other developed software, need a development team organization process. In this article we reviewed traditional software development methodologies, as well as modifications specializing specifically in video game development. The most popular methodologies were compared and the quality of their implementation in video game development studios was determined.