Настоящий тематический выпуск журнала «Электронные библиотеки» состоит из двух частей (первая часть – №5, вторая часть – №6) и включает статьи, подготовленные их авторами на основе материалов, представленных и доложенных на XXIII Всероссийской научной конференции «Научный сервис в сети Интернет». Конференция была проведена с 20 по 23 сентября 2021 года в режиме онлайн и традиционно была посвящена направлениям и тенденциям использования интернет-технологий в современных научных исследованиях. Основной целью конференции было предоставить возможность для обсуждения, апробации и обмена мнениями о наиболее значимых результатах в данной области деятельности, полученных ведущими российскими учеными за последнее время. Организатором конференции был Институт прикладной математики им. М.В. Келдыша Российской академии наук. Статьи, опубликованные в тематическом выпуске, в полной мере отражают самые современные результаты в области исследований, названной выше.

Published: 06.11.2021

Information about Russian Research Organizations in Multilingual Data Sources

Zinaida Vladimirovna Apanovich

International and Russian-language data sources that provide information about Russian research-related organizations are considered. It is demonstrated that Russian-language data sources contain more information about Russian research-related organizations than most international data sources, but this information remains unavailable for English-language data sources. Experiments on comparison and integration of information about Russian research organizations in international and Russian data sources are outlined. Data sources such as GRID, Russian and English chapters of Wikipedia, Wikidata and eLIBRARY.ru are considered. The work is an intermediate step towards the creation of an open and extensible knowledge graph.

Development of the Information System for Registering the Result of Scientific Institution’ Employees Intellectual Activity

Svetlana Aleksandrovna Vlasova, Nikolay Evgenevich Kalenov

The article describes a Web-system developed by the authors that implements services related to the formation and provision of multifaceted information about the results of scientific activities (publications, copyright certificates and reports at scientific events) of employees of an organization or a group of organizations. The system is focused both on the end user interested in obtaining specific data, and on the administrative staff, who generates reporting materials for the parent organization. The information base of the system contains metadata on the following classes of objects: persons (authors), organizations and their subdivisions; publications at analytical, monographic and summary levels; copyright certificates; scientific events (conferences, symposia, seminars); reports. The system includes two modules – an administrative one (intended for entering and editing data) and a user one, which is a special search engine that searches for information, visualizes it, provides navigation among related resources and exports data. A distinctive feature of the system is the introduced concept of “equivalent” objects. Objects are considered equivalent if they are represented in the system by different metadata, but referring to the same physical entity. Such objects are “persons” corresponding to one author with different spellings of the surname in the bibliographic descriptions of publications; organizations with different variants of names; articles published unchanged in various languages. In accordance with modern requirements for reporting on publications, the system reflects the sources of research funding, as well as the affiliations indicated in the articles for each author.

Prospective Bibliography

Mikhail Mikhailovich Gorbunov-Posadov

The prospective bibliography, i.e., the list of referring publications— is a dynamically drawn-up list of works published after the publication under consideration and contained a reference to it. Leading foreign publishers of scientific journals, as a rule, post lists of referring publications on the web pages of their articles. In our country, the posting lists of referring publications has not yet become the norm, but it is gradually becoming widespread. The implementations of the list of referring publications in a number of characteristic projects are considered. The terminology used is discussed.

Principles of Multitrading

Felix Osvaldovich Kasparinsky

Modern software and hardware tools provide unprecedented freedom for a variety of activities in the forex markets, from trading to analyzing the feasibility of models of nonlinear processes in self-organizing systems. To reduce risks and increase the efficiency of interaction with stock market instruments, it is proposed to provide variable adaptability of trading by combining trading strategies using several trading accounts of different brokers, multiple financial instruments, and Complex Indicators Tendencies of price changes. As a result of three years of experimental work, the basic principles of multitrading have been formulated and tested, and an information environment has been compiled, contributing to the development of an individualized trading system. The basic concept of organizing a multitrading information environment: the use of specialized hardware and software systems for strategic analysis and forecasting of price changes for an individual financial instrument, tactical selection of a promising financial instrument from the available set, and effective operating activities with orders of trading accounts. It can be expected that the evolution of the principles of multitrading will lead to the creation of analytical systems for predicting the kinetics of non-equilibrium changes in the characteristic parameters of self-organizing cooperative systems for wide application in biology, cybernetics, economics, and the social sphere.

Method for Expert Search using Scientometric System Data

Alexander Sergeevich Kozitsyn, Sergey Alexandrovich Afonin

The use of modern methods of thematic analysis for the analytical processing of information is currently used in almost all areas of human activity, including scientometrics. Many scientometric and citation systems, including the world famous WoS, Scopus, Google Shcolar, develop thematic categories for searching and processing information. Most important tasks that can be solved using thematic classification methods are: assessment of the dynamics of the development of thematic areas in the organization, country and in world science; search for articles on a given topic; search and assessment of the authority of experts; search for journal for publication and other relevant tasks. The Lomonosov Moscow State University is currently developing and using the system ISTINA. In this project, algorithms have been created that solve some of the problems listed. Scientific research is underway to create new effective mathematical models and algorithms in this area.

Situational Modeling Technology in Virtual Environment Systems

Mikhail Vasilievich Mikhailyuk, Dmitry Alekseevich Kononov, Dmitry Mikhailovich Loginov

The technology of modelling various situations in virtual environment systems, which are computer three-dimensional models of a real or artificial environment, is discussed. The user can view these scenes directly on the computer screen, wall screen, in a stereo glasses, virtual reality glasses, etc. He can also move inside a virtual scene and interact with its objects. In turn, the environment can also change. This allows modelling of various situations (situation modelling) in the virtual environment system. With such modelling, some static or dynamic situation is set in the virtual environment system in which the operator must perform the tasks assigned to him.

A mechanism for setting situations by changing a virtual three-dimensional scene using configuration files and virtual control panels is proposed. A special language has been developed for writing configuration files, and a special editor has been developed for creating virtual control panels. The approbation of the proposed methods is presented on the examples of two virtual scenes: a training ground for mobile robots and a jet backpack for the rescue of an astronaut in outer space.

Experience of Implementation of the Protocol TLS 1.3 Verification

Aleksey Vyacheslavovich Nikeshin, Victor Zinovievich Shnitman

This paper presents the experience of verifying server implementations of the TLS cryptographic protocol version 1.3. TLS is a widely used cryptographic protocol designed to create secure data transmission channels and provides the necessary functionality for this: confidentiality of the transmitted data, data integrity, and authentication of the parties. The new version 1.3 of the TLS protocol was introduced in August 2018 and has a number of significant differences compared to the previous version 1.2. A number of TLS developers have already included support for the latest version in their implementations. These circumstances make it relevant to do research in the field of verification and security of the new TLS protocol implementations. We used a new test suite for verifying implementations of the TLS 1.3 for compliance with Internet specifications, developed on the basis of the RFC8446, using UniTESK technology and mutation testing methods. The current work is part of the TLS 1.3 protocol verification project and covers some of the additional functionality and optional protocol extensions. To test implementations for compliance with formal specifications, UniTESK technology is used, which provides testing automation tools based on the use of finite state machines. The states of the system under test define the states of the state machine, and the test effects are the transitions of this machine. When performing a transition, the specified impact is passed to the implementation under test, after which the implementation's reactions are recorded and a verdict is automatically made on the compliance of the observed behavior with the specification. Mutational testing methods are used to detect non-standard behavior of the system under test by transmitting incorrect data. Some changes are made to the protocol exchange flow created in accordance with the specification: either the values of the message fields formed on the basis of the developed protocol model are changed, or the order of messages in the exchange flow is changed. The protocol model allows one to make changes to the data flow at any stage of the network exchange, which allows the test scenario to pass through all the significant states of the protocol and in each such state to test the implementation in accordance with the specified program. So far, several implementations have been found to deviate from the specification. The presented approach has proven effective in several of our projects when testing network protocols, providing detection of various deviations from the specification and other errors.

Research of Bibliographic References in Math-Net.Ru using the Journal Citation Graph

Andrey Anatolievich Pechnikov, Dmitry Evgen'evich Chebukov

According to the portal Math-Net.Ru a graph of journal citation is constructed. To increase the reliability of the model, the citation time interval was chosen from 2010 to 2021, when the distribution of citation articles stabilized at the level of 3500-4500 citations per year. The structure of link aging is studied and it is shown that their half-life is equal to 8 years. Therefore, the publication date of the cited articles was limited to 2002. For the constructed citation graph, the main properties, such as a small diameter and a high density, are obtained, indicating a high level of scientific communication in the Math-Net.Ru. The absence of the “Matthew effect” as a pronounced advantage in quoting established journals in relation to less well-known ones is shown. Adequacy of the journal citation graph Math-Net.Ru as a model of scientific communication confirmed by comparing the ranking of journals in the citation graph with their SCIENCE INDEX rating in eLIBRARY.RU. A direct moderate relationship between the two rankings is shown. A number of meaningful conclusions are drawn from the analysis of the citation graph.

Notes on the First Digital Libraries

Yuri Evgenievich Polyak

Digital libraries in the XXI century have become the most important sources of information in all branches of science and technology, the main direction of development of world librarianship, any information activities. The first electronic library was Project Gutenberg, founded by Michael Hart exactly 50 years ago. It became world famous only in the 90s, after the appearance of Internet and the first browsers. Hart dreamed of 10,000 digitized books, and by his admission, he achieved all the goals that he set for himself. In Russia, one of the first and most significant is Maxim Moshkov’s library (1994). This paper traces the stages of creation of these libraries and the biographies of their creators; the difficulties in their work are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the issues of copyright duration legislation.