Часть 1 настоящего выпуска журнала «Электронные библиотеки» включает выборочные материалы 3-й Международной конференции «Университетская библиотека в мировом информационном пространстве», которая проходила в Научной библиотеке им. Н.И. Лобачевского 21–24 октября 2019 г. и была приурочена к 215-летию основания Казанского университета.

В работе конференции приняли участие более 100 человек из 18-ти городов России и ближнего зарубежья. Среди участников – директор информационно-ресурсного центра Ташкентского государственного юридического факультета, представители Российской государственной библиотеки, руководители  и сотрудники библиотек  российских вузов, в том числе федеральных университетов, вузов – участников Проекта 5-100; известные в библиотечном мире компании, ассоциации и консорциумы (Антиплагиат, АППОЭР, НЭИКОН), крупные издатели, поставщики и агрегаторы информационных электронных ресурсов (компании Clarivate Analytics, Elsevier, ProQuest, Эко-вектор и др.), главный редактор журнала «Университетская книга», музейные специалисты.

На конференции обсуждались актуальные темы о ресурсно-информационном обеспечении научно-образовательного процесса, открытом доступе к научной информации, библиотечных сервисах для развития научно-образовательных коммуникаций, точках взаимодействия и форматах сотрудничества библиотек, издательств и издателей. На самостоятельной секции рассматривались вопросы взаимодействия библиотек и музеев, их роль в сохранении мемориальных книжных собраний и рукописных фондов. Эти темы в той или иной степени нашли отражение в материалах, представленных в данном выпуске.

Составители: Ю. А. Лексина, И. К. Фомичева



Часть 2 настоящего номера журнала «Электронные библиотеки» включает статьи, подготовленные сотрудниками и магистрантами Высшей школы информационных технологий и интеллектуальных систем (ВШ ИТИС) Казанского (Приволжского) федерального университета. Эти статьи охватывают три ключевых направления научных исследований ВШ ИТИС: дополненная / виртуальная реальность, компьютерная графика и компьютерные игры; анализ текстов на естественном языке; мобильные технологии.

В работах, описывающих новые решения в области мобильных разработок, предложены подходы к организации распределенной тренировки моделей машинного обучения на мобильных устройствах, проектированию мобильных приложений с дополненной реальностью и динамической генерации пользовательских интерфейсов Flutter-приложений, рассмотрены механизмы метапрограммирования на языке Java и архитектурные паттерны в приложениях для операционной системы Android.

Другая группа статей посвящена различным подходам в игровых движках: представлены новые подходы к созданию анимированных выражений лица, контролируемых речью, – в среде Unreal Engine, и реализация задания поведения NPC с использованием машинного обучения –  в среде Unity.

В работах, рассматривающих вопросы анализа текста на естественном языке, исследованы модели векторных представлений слов в задаче автоматической разметки семантических ролей в текстах на русском языке.

Редакторы-составители: М. М. Абрамский, Д. С. Зуев, В. В. Кугуракова, И. С. Шахова

Published: 24.08.2020

Museum of the History of Kazan University and the Kazan University Nikolay Lobachevskii Scientific Library Experience in Cooperation in 2017–2019 Years

Farida Ravilevna Vagapova, Svetlana Anatolievna Frolova
Abstract: The Museum is located in the heart of the main building of KFU. This room has changed its purpose many times: after the October revolution it was used as a gym, in wartime it was a hostel for evacuated employees of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, later it served as a reading room of the Scientific library. Lobachevsky. The opening of the Museum was dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Kazan state University in 1979. The Museum is dedicated to the two-century history of the emergence, formation and development of Kazan University – from Imperial to Federal. The main section of the exhibition tells about scientific schools, outstanding researchers and discoveries that brought the Kazan University and its scientists worldwide fame. Much attention is paid to the famous students and graduates of the University: statesmen, scientists, culture, literature and art, sports. Among them, S. T. Aksakov, N. And. Lobachevsky, I. M. Simonov, A. M. Butlerov, L. N. Tolstoy, V. I. Ulyanov-Lenin, E. K. Zavoisky, A. E. Arbuzov, and others. The exhibition shows the role of advanced scientists and democratically minded Kazan students in the social and political life of Russia XIX-early XX centuries.in each section of the exhibition you can see the relics of the past and the present, which witnessed many events in the history of the University and the country. In addition to the main exhibition, the Museum includes a memorial complex: the Imperial hall and lecture hall of the faculty of law with the interior of the late XIX – early XX centuries, where as a students listened to lectures L. Tolstoy, V. Ulyanov and others.The report is devoted to the areas of cooperation between the Museum of History of Kazan University and the KFU Nikolay Lobachevsky Scientific Library in 2017-2019 years such as exhibition, cultural and educational activities to preserve and promote the university’s heritage.

Library and Museum of the Cabinet of Geography of the Imperial Kazan University

Elena Gennadievna Gushchina
Abstract: The article discusses the process of creating and developing a library and museum as part of the educational and scientific material base of the Cabinet of Geography at the Department of Geography and Ethnography of Imperial Kazan University. From the annual reports on the activities of the Department it can be seen that the acquisition of the Library with new editions, and the Ethnographic Museum with collections, was systematic. These processes were interconnected and aimed at creating a high-quality integrated material base for the development of the educational and scientific process. The article emphasizes that the leading role in the processes of forming the library and museum belonged to the head of the Department of Geography and Ethnography, Petr Ivanovich Krotov and Bruno Friedrichovich Adler. Peter Krotov created the Cabinet of Geography. Bruno Adler improved and developed not only the Cabinet of Geography itself, but also ethnographic science in the Volga Region and Russia as a whole. For example, having academic ties with Russian and foreign scientists, Bruno Adler received many publications and subjects for the Cabinet of Geography as a gift. This allowed for the year to increase several times, both the library and the museum under the Cabinet of Geography. The scientifically organized cabinet, which has comprehensive collections and professional literature, has become a quality source base for the development of ethnographic science at Kazan University.

From the Experience the Scientific Library N.I. Lobachevsky of the Kazan Federal University and the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan Cooperation: Joint Projects With the Department of Old Russian Art

Anna Kalina
Abstract: The article describes the exhibitions prepared by the Department of Old Russian Art of the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books of the Scientific Library N.I. Lobachevsky of the Kazan Federal University in the period from 2013 to 2016. These projects reflect only a small part of the joint work of the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan with the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books of the Scientific Library N.I. Lobachevsky, all of them became significant events in cultural life of the city and the republic.

University Library Taking Part in the Research Process of the University: the Experience of Systematizing Data on Publication Activity

Natela Kvelidze-Kuznetsova, Svetlana - Morozova, Aleksey Matushenko
Abstract: For the past seven to eight years the fundamental library of Herzen University has been a key link in the chain of building effective research activities of the university and its implementation in publications. the creation and development by the library of a software module that operates in the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia was a new stage in this activity; this module allows real-time output of structured current and comparative data on scientometric indicators of university teachers and researchers. The program module was created on the basis of database interaction with the API of scientometric resources such as Russian Science Citation Index, Scopus and Web of Science with the goal of further processing and systematization of the data obtained. The authors pay special attention to the development prospects of the created complex and the possibilities of data integration, including the implemented earlier synchronization of information with the profiles of teachers on the university website.

Reloading or the “Old Tale for a New Freak”: What the Libraries of the Support Universities Live Today

Larisa Litvina, Vera Mikhaylenko
Abstract: Appearing in Russia of the new cluster of support universities changes their activity in the case of connection with different regional communities. In order to research the experience of support universities’ libraries the Omsk state technical university (OmSTU) scientific library had organized and hold the special webinar. In the preparatory stage the great analytical work had been done. The analysis of support universities libraries’ cites had been performed. It allowed to distinguish events, directed on the interaction with the regional audience. Synchronous studying of strategic universities’ documents allowed the analysis of the role of libraries in realization of universities’ development programms.The results of this work and the opinions, formed during the webinar, are described in this article. Authors also offer the decisions for an effective collaboration and experience exchange between the support universities’ libraries. For example, on the special event of The Russian Library Association section of the higher educational institutions’ libraries.

Library Network Communications: Trend of Modern Development

Julia Viktorovna Maslova
Abstract: Network forms of interaction are gaining momentum in the system of social society, today they are considered in a series of innovations, attributing a significant number of opportunities and advantages. In a modern information society, where information is spreading at a tremendous speed, it is impossible to imagine innovative processes without network interaction. Any organization always experiences shortages - resource, personnel, material and technical. Libraries are not an exception, therefore, the author of the article believes that the creation of various forms of network interaction will significantly increase the activity and prestige of each library in the network.

Business Process of Library Electronic Catalog Integration and Samara University Repository

Mariya Mishanina, Oksana Petrova
Abstract: Institutional repositories (IR) help to increase public value, rating, prestige and visibility of both individual researchers and the whole universities. Repositories are filled with their own content and provide access to other researchers around the world. The number of IRs is growing due to the involvement in the work on their creation of university libraries. Libraries want all materials in the university is IR to be in demand by users and used in the educational and scientific process. Therefore, in addition to the repository’s own search engine and the search indexes ‘Google’ and ‘Yandex’, IR resources should be in the electronic catalog, that brings them as close as possible to the reader. The article describes the business processes introduced by Samara University library into the practice of working with electronic resources of the university repository.

Legal Center in Central Asia

Khaytgul Mukhammedovba Pirmedova
Abstract: Tashkent State Law University is the basic higher educational and scientific-methodological institution for the training of legal personnel in Uzbekistan. The formation and development of the Information Resource Center of Tashkent State Law University is inextricably linked with the history of the formation and development of the university itself.The author talks about the activities of the Information Resource Center, which is the most important link in the academic system of scientific information of the republic on legal sciences.

Autograph Books in the Library of Musa Jalil

Nazira Gazizovna Fattakhova, Leysan Fandiyarovna Harasova
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of autographed books from the personal library of the famous Tatar poet-hero Musa Jalil, which is exhibited in the Museum-apartment of the poet.

Comparative Analysis of the Performance of Metaprogramming Mechanisms in the Java Language

Azat Galiullin, Irina Sergeevna Shakhova
Abstract: The use of different metaprogramming mechanisms for program libraries development in Java may have some negative effect on build time and end products. The article is aimed to describe metaprogramming mechanisms in the Java language and present the results of experiments that compare the impact of approaches on the build time of small and large projects.

Native Mobile Applications With Augmented Reality Development Framework

Dmitriy Andreevich Evdokimenko, Rinat Gafurovich Khanov
Abstract: Framework for development of native mobile applications with augmented reality. Analysis of various development spheres: game development, mobile applications development. The concept of a new framework and a set of tools for developing mobile applications with augmented reality is presented.

Mechanisms of Realistic Facial Expressions for Anthropomorphic Social Agents

Aynur Ayratovich Zinnatov, Vlada Vladimirovna Kugurakova
Abstract: Three-dimensional facial animation has been extensively studied, but the achievement of realistic, human-like performance has not yet been decided. This article discusses various approaches for generating animated facial expressions controlled by speech. Combining the considered approaches for both facial animation, and the identification of emotions and the creation of micro-facial expressions in one system, we get a solution suitable for tasks such as game video, avatars of virtual reality or any scenario in which a speaker, speech or language is not known in advance.

Analysis of Word Embeddings for Semantic Role Labeling of Russian Texts

Leysan Maratovna Kadermyatova, Elena Victorovna Tutubalina
Abstract: Currently, there are a huge number of works dedicated to semantic role labeling of English texts [1–3]. However, semantic role labeling of Russian texts was an unexplored area for many years due to the lack of train and test corpora. Semantic role labeling of Russian Texts was widely disseminated after the appearance of the FrameBank corpus [4]. In this approach, we analyzed the influence of the word embedding models on the quality of semantic role labeling of Russian texts. Micro- and macro- F1 scores on word2vec [5], fastText [6], ELMo [7] embedding models were calculated. The set of experiments have shown that fastText models averaged slightly better than word2vec models as applied to Russian FrameBank corpus. The higher micro- and macro- F1 scores were obtained on deep tokenized word representation model ELMo in relation to classical shallow embedding models.

Npc Behavior Plugin Development for Game Engine Unity

Leonid Nikolaevich Parenyuk, Vlada Vladimirovna Kugurakova
Abstract: There are various approaches for creating artificial intelligence in games, and each has both advantages and disadvantages. This study describes an authoring implementation of the NPC behavior task using machine learning algorithms that will be associated with the Unity environment in real time. This approach can be used in game development.

Modern Implementation of the Design Pattern in Android Applications

Anton Mikhailovich Sarmatin
Abstract: Presentations patterns used in android application development are analyzed. Pros and cons of implementation of presentation patterns with android framework requirements are described. The idea of an architectural framework for android development is proposed.

Distributed Training of ML Model on Mobile Devices

Denis Vasilyevich Simon, Irina Sergeevna Shakhova
Abstract: Currently, the need for distributed ML training solutions in the world is increasing. However, existing tools, in particular TensorFlow Federated, are at the very beginning of their development, difficult to implement, and currently suitable exclusively for simulation on servers. For mobile devices, reliable approaches for this purpose do not exist. This article has designed and presented an approach to such distributed training of the ML-model on mobile devices, implemented on existing technologies. It is based on the concept of model personalization. In this approach, this concept is improved as a consequence of mitigating the identified drawbacks. The implementation process is structured so that at all stages of working with the ML-model use only one Swift programming language (Swift for TensorFlow and Core ML 3 are used), making this approach even more convenient and reliable due to the common code base.

Dynamically Generated Ui on Flutter

Artemy Yurievich Usachev
Abstract: The development team develops visual interfaces that satisfy the needs of all user groups and then distribute the new version of the product to all users. This article is aimed to propose the concept of a tool for generating dynamic screens, which can help to solve the following problems: adaptation of the application interface and quick release of updates.

User Interface Components for Native Mobile Applications With Augmented Reality

Rinat Gafurovich Khanov, Dmitriy Andreevich Evdokimenko
Abstract: A description of the user interface elements for native mobile applications with augmented reality. Specifically, an analysis of the different UI components required for augmented reality apps (for example, support of basic gesture recognition for interactions between the application user and 3D objects, possible color combinations), as well as a comparison between these components.