Published: 02.09.2019

Automation of collection and data analysis of user experience in interactive mobile prototypes usage

Айнур Ринатович Динмухаметов, Ирина Сергеевна Шахова
Abstract: The paper describes the developed platform for data collection and data analysis of user experience in interactive prototypes usage. The platform allows to organise permanent and fast feedback between the target audience and interface designers. The system includes desktop and mobile applications, and the web-server for data analysis, information storage and connection between the client applications.

Mechanisms for using mobile devices in distributed computing

Нуршат Рушанович Низамов, Ирина Сергеевна Шахова
Abstract: The paper is aimed to describe a system with some mechanisms for using mobile devices in distributed computing. Emphasis is placed on components of the system which control tasks and distribute resources.

Development of a system for detecting video duplicates based on their color maps

Гульшат Аталасовна Нуриева, Александр Андреевич Ференец
Abstract: This article describes the development of a system for detecting duplicate video files based on the method of obtaining and analyzing the color map of a video sequence, as an approach that does not require large computational resources, is applicable to a wide range of types of video clips and has small distortions relatively to the original.