Creating Pseudowords Generator and Classifier of Their Similarity with Words from Russian Dictionary using Machine Learning

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In this article, a pseudoword is defined as a unit of speech or text that appears to be a real word in Russian but actually has no meaning. A real or natural word is a unit of speech or text that has an interpretation and is presented in a dictionary. The paper presents two models for working with the Russian language: a generator that creates pseudowords that resemble real words, and a classifier that evaluates the degree of similarity between the entered sequence of characters and real words. The classifier is used to evaluate the results of the generator. Both models are based on recurrent neural networks with long short-term memory layers and are trained on a dataset of Russian nouns. As a result of the research, a file was created containing a list of pseudowords generated by the generator model. These words were then evaluated by the classifier to filter out those that were not similar enough to real words. The generated pseudowords have potential applications in tasks such as name and branding creation, layout design, art, crafting creative works, and linguistic studies for exploring language structure and words.

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