An Ontology-Based Approach for Distributed Multi-Agent Modeling of the Radio-Technical Systems
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he ontology-based approach to multi-agent modeling involves the implementation of a modeling system through the creation of ontologies. An example of a holistic implementation of an ontology-based approach to agent-based modeling is the IEEE 1516 Standard for Modeling and Simulation High Level Architecture. The work is devoted to a multi-agent modeling system designed for modeling complex radio engineering systems (especially radar systems), its relevance is due to the need to replace part of the field tests of radio engineering systems with simulation experiments. The motivation for switching to the IEEE 1516 standard for a "heavy" multi-agent modeling system, among other things, is to ensure scalability, openness and multiple reuse of the developed agent models, which is completely logical to do based on the existing well-developed and proven standard that establishes rules for the interaction of models and the development of software interfaces. The general principles of construction and architecture of the modeling system are given. The basic requirements for the main modeling agents, their role and place in the complex modeling system are shown, a special place among which is occupied by the simulator of the background-target environment. The possibility of combining two simulation schemes is also discussed: discrete-event and step-by-step. The fact is that the step-by-step scheme has advantages such as simplicity and clarity, it is convenient to model processing algorithms, components of radio engineering systems. However, it is impossible to implement true autonomy and asynchrony of agents in it. Combining two modeling schemes allows you to combine their advantages.
Article Details
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