About the Criteria for Ranking Conferences
Main Article Content
Ranking of scientific conferences plays a key role in the academic world, determining the level of significance and prestige of each event. The main results of ranking from the point of view of personalities are: determining the quality and influence of the scientific conference; a guide for selecting conferences; encouragement to conduct quality research; formation of the scientific community; improving the visibility and influence of the conference on the scientific community. The paper provides an overview of currently existing conference catalogs and conference ranking systems, both automatically and with the participation of expert councils. It is noted that the purpose of creating national ranking systems is to promote and popularize domestic conferences and journals. Based on the review of currently existing conference catalogs and conference ranking systems, the following criteria for ranking conferences can be formulated. Indicators of publication activity, based on the results of the analysis of published conference materials. The credibility of the speakers and the organizing committee of the conference. Number of presentations and the ratio of the number of presentations to the number of conference participants. Time for reviewing applications submitted to the conference. Ratio of submitted and accepted applications. Retrospective and geographical parameters.
Article Details
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