Multitrading System Forecasts
Main Article Content
The article is devoted to the problem of forecasting trends in the prices of financial instruments on the Forex market. The methods of forming forecasts based on business cycle models and fractal self-organization of pricing are considered. Based on historical precedents of crises after 1812 and 1917, the terms of the 2015-2027 crisis are determined, the end of which coincides with the simultaneous end of the 200-year and 40-year trends. It is predicted that the point of technological singularity will be reached in 2039. The methods of integrating fundamental and technical analysis tools for forecasting global events that are absent from the economic calendar are developed. It is proposed to increase the efficiency of forecasting changes in prices of financial instruments using an analytical multitrading system designed to work with 6 strategies: long-term (8 months), medium-term (2 months), short-term (1.5 weeks and 1.5 days) and intraday (8 hours, 2 hours). The choice of strategy depends on the time that a trader is ready to use for analytical activities and control of open transactions, acceptable risks and expected profitability. For all strategies, a set of preferred currency pairs of Forex Club and FxPro brokers is established, recommendations for traders are given. The necessary and sufficient set of technical analysis indicators participating in the formation of a triple signal for positioning the starting point of the Regression Channel is determined, which allows automatic forecasting of tactical levels of the price change trend reversal in the interval of forming groups of 8 oscillations. A regulation has been developed for the creation, publication and verification of tactical forecasts of the duration and amplitude of price oscillations for all strategies and many financial instruments. Forecasts are published in the "Multitrading" channels and groups of the Telegram, Dzen and VKontakte network services. The forecasting tools are supposed to be used in the formation of multitrading system tactics.
Article Details
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