Open Archives of Ground-Based Ionospheric Radiosounding Data by Shortwave Signals

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Andrey Olegovich Schiriy


By the radiosounding of the ionosphere with short-wave signals, can be obtained information about the processes in the ionospheric plasma, about its structure and state; these data are also extremely important for radio engineering systems operating in the short-wave range. To date, a large amount of experimental data has been accumulated for various geo- and heliophysical, spatial and temporal conditions. The interest in large amounts of ionospheric radiosonde data is also motivated by the possibility of constructing statistical models using machine learning theory methods. The paper presents some Internet resources with ionospheric radiosonde data, shows the prospects for their application, and also identifies some problems, such as insufficient documentation of some data formats and the presentation of ionograms only in the form of raster images, most of which are also scanned from photographic films.

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