Multitrading Analytical System
Main Article Content
The multitrading analytical system is designed for operational, tactical and strategic forecasting of price changes of various financial instruments in the Forex market using the Metatrader 5 computer Internet terminal. In the Analytical windows of the terminal, a functional distribution of 17 indicators of technical analysis is organized into Sections of Price, Oscillations, Trends and Control. When setting up complex indicators of Price Equilibrium Level, Oscillation Distribution, Trend Potential and Oscillation Group Trend, a technique is used to connect trend indicators to oscillator data. Complex indicators unmask the stages of formation of elementary price oscillations and their groups (packets of 4 oscillations, blocks of 2 packages and modules of 4 blocks), and help establish the location of pivot points of price channels. For synchronous analysis of operational, tactical and strategic trends in price changes of one financial instrument, the Analytical Display combines six Analytical windows with a sequential increase in the time scale of interval charts (timeframes) by 4 times. Regulations have been developed for multiscale marking, design and use of Andrews pitchforks for forecasting long-term trends. Operational and tactical forecasts are visualized using multi-scale trend arrows in the Zone of Actual Oscillations. A technique is proposed for combining the tools of fundamental and technical analysis to determine the probability of the onset and relative significance of fundamental events that are not contained in the economic calendar.
Article Details
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