Analysis of the Russian Scientific Citation Index according to Data

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Andrey Pechnikov


Starting from spring 2022 a national system for evaluating the effectiveness of scientific research and development is being created using the database of leading Russian journals Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). The article represents some results of the analysis of the RSCI normalized rating published in December 2022. Using the journal citation graph constructed from the data Math-Net.Ru on the example of thematic group OECD 101.Mathematics we show that in the case of a large number of self-citations of the journals, a relationship between the normalized rating and the number of references is found, and the relationship with self-citation is somewhat stronger than without self-citation. Analysis of the distribution of the journals by thematic groups shows that using a single attribute, such as the OECD, as a criterion does not allow forming a group as a community of journals with a single strongly connected component in the citation graph. We conclude that the research methods of journal citation graphs are a good basis for a comparative analysis of the characteristics of journals and their ranking, which means they can be used as tools for further development and improvement of journal ratings.

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