Semantic Services of the Digital Ecosystem Ontomath for Mathematical Education

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We present a set of semantic services developed by us to support the educational process in mathematics. The functionality of these services is based on the use of mathematical ontologies OntoMathEdu and OntoMathPRO. The ontology of professional mathematical knowledge OntoMathPRO is designed to classify and systematize the concepts of professional mathematics and includes several important areas of mathematics. Educational mathematical ontology OntoMathEdu systematically represents knowledge on the training course “Planimetry”. For the use of ontologies in educational applications, an approach to the design of prerequisite relations in these ontologies has been developed. To support mathematical education, we have developed: a service for semantic search by mathematical formulas, a service for semantic annotation of educational materials, a service for visualizing subgraphs of the OntoMathEdu ontology semantic network, a parallel formal/informal corpus of mathematical statements, a system for automatically generating test questions in mathematical disciplines.

We provide examples of successful application of the developed software tools.

The created software tools are built into the OntoMath digital ecosystem. This ecosystem implements the interaction of semantic services for managing mathematical knowledge.

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