An Innovative Approach to the Design of Integrated Tasks in Computer Modeling Training

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The article discusses the possible use of LMS Moodle in the development of the course “The use of computer modeling in education”. The course is based on the introduction of interdisciplinary integration of higher mathematics, computer modeling, programming into the educational process and involves the use of computer mathematics systems and software environments. Examples of specific integrated tasks are presented.

When designing the training course “Using Computer Simulation in Education” in LMS Moodle, the following set of elements was used: “lecture”, “task”, “test”, “forum”, “resource”, “wiki”, “chat”, “glossary”.

The use of the methodology for compiling integrated tasks based on LMS Moodle showed that: integrated tasks using information technology help to increase the level of mastering the material of complex sections of higher mathematics; the content of the course of higher mathematics is the fundamental basis of the material studied in the proposed course, and contributes to a deep understanding of mathematical disciplines; integrated design tasks form practical skills and abilities of computer modeling using programming in various software environments.

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