Developing Technological Cycle of Search System that Agregates Citations by Books
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In this article, we have described the technological cycle to develop the search system by 14 philosophical books by L.A. Seklitova, and L.L. Strelnikova. The cycle contained 6 steps of work. The ideas from the article may be useful to project, and develop a software, aggregating citations from books series, monographs, scientific periodicals, or scientific articles. For example, this experience may be useful for creating customized links on secondary sources that needs at a stage of writing scientific articles and design of presentations in Pedagogy. The search system is the result of 1 year work by the article author, and the group of around 30 volunteers. The system is represented a service, integrating in the web application. The technological stack contains Jade, CSS, JS, Node.js, Express.js, ESLint, Jest.
Article Details
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