Perspectives of Functional Programming of Parallel Computations
Main Article Content
The article is devoted to the results of the analysis of modern trends in functional programming, considered as a metaparadigm for solving the problems of organizing parallel computations and multithreaded programs for multiprocessor complexes and distributed systems. Taking into account the multi-paradigm nature of parallel programming, the paradigm analysis of languages and functional programming systems is used. This makes it possible to reduce the complexity of the problems being solved by methods of decomposition of programs into autonomously developed components, to evaluate their similarities and differences. Consideration of such features is necessary when predicting the course of application processes, as well as when planning the study and organizing the development of programs. There is reason to believe that functional programming has the ability to improve programs performance. A variety of paradigmatic characteristics inherent in the preparation and debugging of long-lived parallel computing programs are shown.
Article Details
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