Principles of Multitrading
Main Article Content
Modern software and hardware tools provide unprecedented freedom for a variety of activities in the forex markets, from trading to analyzing the feasibility of models of nonlinear processes in self-organizing systems. To reduce risks and increase the efficiency of interaction with stock market instruments, it is proposed to provide variable adaptability of trading by combining trading strategies using several trading accounts of different brokers, multiple financial instruments, and Complex Indicators Tendencies of price changes. As a result of three years of experimental work, the basic principles of multitrading have been formulated and tested, and an information environment has been compiled, contributing to the development of an individualized trading system. The basic concept of organizing a multitrading information environment: the use of specialized hardware and software systems for strategic analysis and forecasting of price changes for an individual financial instrument, tactical selection of a promising financial instrument from the available set, and effective operating activities with orders of trading accounts. It can be expected that the evolution of the principles of multitrading will lead to the creation of analytical systems for predicting the kinetics of non-equilibrium changes in the characteristic parameters of self-organizing cooperative systems for wide application in biology, cybernetics, economics, and the social sphere.
Article Details
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