Tactical Sorting of Managerial Tasks During Their Administration by Means of Priority, Specifications and Affiliations Labels

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Felix Osvaldovich Kasparinsky


The article analyzes the specifics of the functional programs for managing strategic, tactical and operational tasks. A technique for prefixing operational task names with tactical labels of Priorities, Specifications and Affiliations is proposed. Label abbreviations are formed in such a way as to ensure the correct prioritization when sorting tasks in alphabetical order. The quadrants of the D. Eisenhower Priorities matrix are indicated by two-letter marks: important urgently (IF – Important, Fast); important indefinitely (IS – Important, Slow); not important, but promptly (UF – Unimportant, Fast): neither important nor urgent (US – Unimportant, Slow). The labels of the Specifications matrix for the information environment (RA, RI, SA, SI) are composed of mutually exclusive properties of the availability of the Network (I – Internet and A – Autonomous) and the presence of reduced or special functionality (R – Reduced and S – Special). Labels of the transport specification (TA, TB, TC, TP) allow you to sort tasks that require moving (T – Translocation) on an airplane (A), a bus (B), a car (C) and on foot (P – Pedestrian), respectively. Three-letter marks of Affiliations (belonging to an individual or legal entity) are formed from the first letters of the name, middle name and last name or name of the laboratory, company, project. Tactical marks accelerate decision-making when forming a daily list of operational tasks.

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Author Biography

Felix Osvaldovich Kasparinsky

Founder and Scientific Director of Multimedia Technologies Laboratory (Biological Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University), Founder and General Director of MASTER-MULTIMEDIA LLC. Research interests include creating an information environment and didactically targeted use of multimedia technologies.


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