Evolution of Visualization Methods for Research Publication Collections

Main Article Content

Alexander Ivanovich Legalov
Igor Alexandrovich Legalov
Ivan Vasilievich Matkovsky


It is proposed to add a static system of types to the dataflow functional model of parallel computing and the dataflow functional parallel programming language developed on its basis. The use of static typing increases the possibility of transforming dataflow functional parallel programs into programs running on modern parallel computing systems. Language constructions are proposed. Their syntax and semantics are described. It is noted that the need to use the single assignment principle in the formation of data storages of a particular type. The features of instrumental support of the proposed approach are considered.

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Author Biographies

Alexander Ivanovich Legalov

Professor of Siberian Federal University. Research interests include software engineering, system programming, parallel programming, programming languages, compilers.

Igor Alexandrovich Legalov

Associate Professor of Siberian Federal University. Research interests include programming languages, compilers, web programming.

Ivan Vasilievich Matkovsky

Senior Lecturer of Siberian Federal University. Research interests include system programming, parallel programming, programming languages, compilers.


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