Basic Services of Factory Metadata Digital Mathematical Library Lobachevskii-Dml

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Polina Gafurova
Alexander Elizarov
Evgeny Konstantinovich Lipachev


A number of problems related to the construction of the metadata factory of the digital mathematical library Lobachevskii-DML have been solved. By metadata factory we mean a system of interconnected software tools aimed at creating, processing, storing and managing metadata of digital library objects and allowing integrating created electronic collections into aggregating digital scientific libraries. In order to select the optimal such software tools from existing ones and their modernization:we discussed the features of the presentation of the metadata of documents of various electronic collections related both to the formats used and to changes in the composition and completeness of the set of metadata throughout the entire publication of the corresponding scientific journal;we presented and characterized software tools for managing scientific content and methods for organizing automated integration of repositories of mathematical documents with other information systems;we discussed such an important function of the digital library metadata factory as the normalization of metadata in accordance with the formats of other aggregating libraries.As a result of the development of the metadata factory of the digital mathematical library Lobachevskii-DML, we proposed a system of services for the automated generation of metadata for electronic mathematical collections; we have developed an xml metadata presentation language based on the Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Suite (NISO JATS); we have created software tools for normalizing metadata of electronic collections of scientific documents in formats developed by international organizations – aggregators of resources in mathematics and Computer Science; we have developed an algorithm for converting metadata to oai_dc format and generating the archive structure for import into DSpace digital storage; we have proposed and implemented methods for integrating electronic mathematical collections of Kazan University into domestic and foreign digital mathematical libraries.

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Author Biographies

Polina Gafurova

Magister of Mathematics, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. Current scientific interests: data mining, recommender systems, cloud computing, knowledge extraction technologies.

Alexander Elizarov

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan Federal University. Current scientific interests: data mining, recommender systems, cloud computing, knowledge extraction technologies.

Evgeny Konstantinovich Lipachev

Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Kazan Federal University. Current scientific interests: data mining, recommender systems, cloud computing, knowledge extraction technologies.


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