Building Subject Domain Ontology on the Base of a Logical Data Mod

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Alexander M. Gusenkov
Naille R. Bukharaev
Evgeny V. Biryaltsev


The technology of automated construction of the subject domain ontology, based on information extracted from the comments of the TATNEFT oil company relational databases, is considered. The technology is based on building a converter (compiler) translating the logical data model of Epicenter Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation (POSC), presented in the form of ER diagrams and a set of the EXPRESS object-oriented language descriptions, into the OWL ontology description language, recommended by the W3C consortium. The basic syntactic and semantic aspects of the transformation are described.

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Author Biographies

Alexander M. Gusenkov

Assistant professor, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technologies of Kazan Federal University. Ph.D. Current scientific interests: knowledge extraction technologies, Natural Language Processing, big data, data mining.

Naille R. Bukharaev

Assistant professor, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technologies, Kazan Federal University. Ph.D. Current scientific interests: IT education methodology, knowledge extraction technologies, big data.

Evgeny V. Biryaltsev

Specialist in the field of specialized information systems, Ph. D., author of more than 50 publications, including 5 certificates of registration of programs, 3 inventions. Head of the Center of digital technologies of the Institute of applied research of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan.


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