Regional Implementation Experience of the “Soft” Model of Geometry Teaching Based on the Computer Experiment
Main Article Content
Some results of implementation of the “soft” model of geometry teaching in schools of Nizhny Novgorod region are considered. The realization is based on the ideas of experimental mathematics, according to which the content of educational materials (open problems in geometry) is selected and developed. In addition, it is contributing to the development of students’ intelligence. Thus, student models the geometric situation using open-source software actively, is mobile in the selection of the software, understands geometric facts and regularities, acquires the ability to argue (to analyze, to compare, to generalize, to make conclusions). The experience of the using computer experiments at geometry lessons is examined form psychodidactic approach’s point of view. The advantages of special educational tasks are proved: open problems in geometry, which are based on the “soft” model of teaching geometry using the ideas of experimental mathematics. The peculiarity of the proposed open problems in geometry is that they, being a projection of traditional closed classical problems in geometry, at the same time, firstly, provide the formation of the main components of the mental (cognitive, conceptual, metacognitive, intentional) experience of the student and, secondly, create conditions for the manifestation of individual cognitive styles of students. Enrichment of metacognitive experience is carried out by means of chains of tasks, which create conditions for formation of abilities to plan, predict and control the mathematical activity.
Article Details
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