An Approach to Presentation of the Lobachevskii Geometry to Secondary School and First Year University Students

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Vadim Vasilievich Shurygin
Vadim Vadimovich Shurygin


The group of motions of the Lobachevskii plane, as well as that of the Euclidean plane, is generated by reflections in straight lines.This allows ones to develop an approach to constructing the Poincaré model of Lobachevskii plane based on the properties of inversions and pencils of circles in the Euclidean plane.

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Author Biographies

Vadim Vasilievich Shurygin

Professor of the Chair of Geometry, Kazan Federal University, Kazan.

Vadim Vadimovich Shurygin

Associate Professor of the Chair of Geometry, Kazan Federal University, Kazan.


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