The Poster Report As a Means of Considerd Representation Of Results Of Teaching And Methodical Activity By Future Teachers Of Informatics During Teaching Practice Title

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Sergey Ivanovich Zenko


The learning activities of students during pedagogical practice are aimed at preparing and conducting computer science lessons, and methodological – at analyzing the success of choosing and implementing various approaches, methods, forms and means when working with pupils. The poster report gives students the opportunity to present the results of these activities in a meaningful, considered and interrelated way.

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Author Biography

Sergey Ivanovich Zenko

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.


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2.Конкурс «Компьютер. Образование. Интернет». URL:
3.Конкурс «Компьютер. Образование. Интернет». URL:
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