Stem-Education in Modern School Within the Framework Of Design Activity in Natural Scientific Disciplines

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Tamara Yur’Evna Gavrilova
Olga Grigor’Evna Ignatova


The issue of STEM education in a modern school and methodological approaches to its implementation on the subjects of the natural science cycle as part of project activities are considered. An example of the stages of work on a project, a breakdown into subject areas, is given. Since STEM education involves not only gaining knowledge in individual subjects, but also putting them into practice, the key point in working on a project is practical application. Within the framework of the subject area of mathematics and computer science, this involves making calculations and presenting the final results using modern technical means. Thus, the subject of mathematics moves from the framework of academic knowledge to the framework of practical skills. In particular, the article provides an example of the formation of a student’s financial literacy as part of a project. STEM-training allows you to combine scientific methods, mathematical modeling, technological applications and engineering design. Thus, innovative critical thinking is formed, the opportunity and need for integrated training on topics within the framework of which active communication of students occurs and a new educational space is formed.

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Author Biographies

Tamara Yur’Evna Gavrilova

Teacher, Ramenskoe, Moscow region.

Olga Grigor’Evna Ignatova

Teacher, Penza.


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