Competence Approach in Teaching Higher Mathematics Students of Bachelors of Direction of Preparation 13.03.02 – “Power and Electrical Engineering” in Oil and Gas University

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Тatyana Anatolievna Brodskaya


The purpose of mathematical training of bachelors of technical specialties in the framework of the competence approach is the formation of mathematical competence of the specialist, which is expressed in the ability of graduates to apply mathematical methods in professional activities. Competences are acquired by students in the process of mastering the content of education fixed in educational standards and curricula of disciplines. Using new methods and forms of organization of the educational process, using new teaching tools, competencies are formed in lectures and practical classes in higher mathematics.

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Author Biography

Тatyana Anatolievna Brodskaya

PhD in Pedagogic, an associate professor, Almetyevsk State Oil Institute, Almetyevsk.


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